Surviving Grad School Blog; Check Us Out!

Hi everyone!

It was so exciting to hear about everyone’s projects and to see the great sites that have been created.  We hope that we piqued your interest about our project “Survive Grad School” and would like to encourage you to engage with our site.

With our wide range of curated material you can find relevant tips or stories that resonate to your own experiences, you can post your comments to those curations and you can share those findings with your friends and colleagues with our built in share buttons.

Thanks for checking us out and here’s to all of our survival! 

Oh and if anyone wants to help promote, here’s a great blurb that Melissa whipped up:

Are you stressed?  Feeling unorganized?  Need tips to manage your time? Looking for the nearest happy hour?  We can help!  Visit  a curation of information to help survive grad school.  Designed for grad students by grad students!  We’ve collected articles, videos, apps and even recipes to help you stay sane, organized and academically functional.  (Plus, we had to create the site for our Participatory Media class and we need to demonstrate engagement).  So help yourself by helping us – visit, click some links and maybe post a comment or two.  It’s a great way to procrastinate while still doing something connected to academia.

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