Week 4_Summer Hatfield

I was just browsing NPR news and came across this link I wanted to share:   http://www.npr.org/2013/10/21/236383017/air-the-storycorps-theme-cue-the-tears

I had never heard of StoryCorps, or listened to any of their stories, so I just listened to a few of them and they are great! StoryCorps is an oral history project where two people get together and interview each other. The project’s goal is to give people of all backgrounds the chance to share and record the stories of their lives. It was founded by Dave Isay, and has just reached its 10th anniversary and 50,000th interview.

“I think about technology a little bit,” he says. “There are certain answers that technology, for all of its wonders, will never be able to give us. And I think those are the kind of answers that you get through StoryCorps, which is about what’s really forcing people to think about what’s important in life.”

Definitely worth checking out!

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3 comments to Week 4_Summer Hatfield

  • natalieb@uoregon.edu

    I know someone who used to work for story corps in NYC. She is from here and has moved back. I don’t know if there is time, but I know she’d be happy to talk to our class some time.

  • jschaub@uoregon.edu

    I love STorycorps! I was unfamiliar with them until last week and I couldn’t believe the coincidence. At first I thought it was an off-shoot of Ira Glass This American Life. It’s great to know that there is a real interest in storytelling and that it goes beyond the news and pop media.

  • hdemich2@uoregon.edu

    I heard this Storycorps piece today on the radio while driving. Get out your kleenex. It is really amazing…especially for returning college students and soon to be parents…

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