Archived Series – Project-based EFL

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2004-05 Archived Lecture Presentation

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2004-05 Archived Series – August 19, 2005

Project-based Learning and Assessment

Leslie Opp-Beckman, Speaker
August 19, 2005


This is the ninth lecture in a 10-part professional development series for English as a Foreign Language educators in Thailand. University of Oregon is partnering with the US Embassy in Bangkok, the Royal Thai Distance Learning Foundation, colleagues at Chulalongkorn University, and at ThaiTESOL on this innovative and exciting project. This session will feature student projects from Thai schools in the NE part of Thailand.

About the Speaker

Leslie Opp-Beckman is on faculty at the University of Oregon in the Linguistics Department and the American English Institute. She develops e-learning curriculum and and teaches courses on Computer-Assisted Language Learning.

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the relationship between content-based instruction (videoconference #8) and project-based learning?
  2. Where can I see examples of other teachers’ projects?
  3. Is project-based learning only for young learners?
  4. How can I assess student projects; is there more than one option?

Online Resources

Pedagogical Readings
Following are some readings that explain what content-based instruction is and how it applies to English language learning and teaching. The first two readings in the list will give you a good basis for further understanding of this topic.

Practical Resources
Following are some resources that support content-based instruction and provide practical ideas for the classroom