Archived Series – Virtual Language Lab

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2004-05 Archived Handouts and Resources


2004-05 Archived Virtual Language Lab (VLL)

Lecture Presentation

Video Session, RealPlayer Format
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2004-05 Archived Series – June 3, 2005

Virtual Language Lab

Jeff Magoto and Ginny White, Speakers
June 3, 2005


This is the sixth lecture in a 10-part professional development series for English as a Foreign Language educators in Thailand. University of Oregon is partnering with the US Embassy in Bangkok, the Royal Thai Distance Learning Foundation, colleagues at Chulalongkorn University, and at ThaiTESOL on this innovative and exciting project.

About the Speakers

Jeff Magoto is the Director and Ginny White is the Server Administrator for the University of Oregon’s Yamada Language Center (YLC). The focus of this talk is on the Virtual Language Lab (VLL) that they have developed for teachers and students of English, Thai, Chinese, and many other languages. The VLL contains the following language resources and tools:

  • Audio files for coursebooks and other resources
  • Virtual tape recorder
  • Message board
  • Quiz and survey maker

The University of Oregon’s VLL will be open to videoconference participants for two weeks afterwards in June. You are all invited to come visit the VLL, experiment with the tools, and participate in the message board and a sample quiz.

  1. Go to the YLC Message Boards and use the following login and password to access the voice recorder message board. You can listen to others, and record your own message. The topic is suggestions for future videoconferences:login: thaiuo
    password: thaiuo
  2. You can also visit the Sample Quiz, Birds of a Feather (no login or password required).

Discussion Questions

  1. How did you develop the Virtual Language Lab?
  2. What are some simple ways I can do similar things in my classes?
  3. How do you imagine language teachers and students will use the Virtual Language Lab and other tools like it in the future?
  4. How can I get involved in future projects with YLC and the Virtual Language Lab?

Online Resources

The YLC’s Virtual Language lab is unique in that it combines a suite of software tools and language options all in one “virtual” location. Some similar kinds of resources are also available as separate tools through the following example sites.

Listening Comprehension

Virtual Pen Pals

Also see this Email Handout for an overview of tips and classroom ideas for using virtual pals and discussion boards.

  • E-Tandem Network
    Work together with a learning partner from another country by email, telephone, or other media. From your partner, you learn his or her language while he or she learns your native language. Free.
  • IECC
    A free service to help teachers link with partners in other cultures and countries for email classroom pen-pal and other project exchanges.

Discussion Boards or Forums

  • Dave’s ESL Cafe
    Discussion forums for teachers and students with a variety of current topics. Free.
  • ESL Partyland
    Another free site with discussion

Quiz Creators

  • Quiz-Star
    Free online quiz-maker and class report tools.
  • Quia All exisiting quizzes are free to use. To create your own quizzes, try the 30-day demo. To continue beyond the demo, a subscription for one year costs 49 USD.

Post-lecture Classroom Applications

Join in the discussion on the Virutual Language Lab, or try the sample quiz.

Explore the above websites and choose one or more activities to try with your class(es).