1) I would like to expand my current knowledge of Marketing and hone my current knowledge, to assist more effectively in my career.

I believe I have been successful in the expansion of my overall marketing knowledge. I have gained knowledge in a various new strategies and determined how those strategies interact with others. An example of this is content marketing and how it is intertwined with digital and social media marketing strategies. Furthermore, I have gained pertinent knowledge on the execution and planning of marketing strategies in relation to a start up business, such as OSLP Arts and Culture.


2) I would like to expand my knowledge on other areas, such as SEO.

I have gained a base knowledge in SEO, which provides a foundation for further learning. Also, the more I have learned about SEO, the more I gain insight into why companies hire SEO marketers.


3) Also, I will enjoy getting the perspectives of my cohort, which will assist in creating new ideas for myself, or approaches in marketing.

I enjoyed seeing what everyone decided to focus on in the individual marketing plans and in groups working for OSLP. Coming from a marketing background where the industry is leaning away from strategies such as Guerilla and Word of Mouth Marketing, it was nice to see the strategies still have an impact and are interesting to a large part of the class.