Distributed Cognition & Collaborative Intelligence

Distributed Cognition is the ability to convey our thoughts and ideas to media and a way to understand how parts of design are used to progress the cognitive process.  It focus’ on optimizing the process by enhancing elements of design or the project.   Collaborative intelligence is my opinion is a term used when a group of people, each with specific skills, work together to achieve an intelligent product or outcome.  Also collaborative intelligence can be defined as using intelligence gather from specific collaborative sources, such as forum’s and various social environments(creative centers), to achieve an intelligent project or outcome.  Distributed cognition and collaborative intelligence work together as distributed cognition is a large part of collaborative intelligence and  the opposite can be used for distributed cognition.
Informal Learning is the process of learning with no set objectives and not an intentional learning from the stand point of the student.  It usually involves learning by interaction or experience, such as participation in the classroom via discussion while creating a project or open assistance from the instructor and classmates while working on a project.  Informal learning usually takes place outside of the regular school setting.

White Space or negative space, is any part of the page not taken up by the graphic.  The proper use of white space is a balanced graphic between positive and negative space.  The space can be used improperly if not balanced correctly as the eye will be drawn to the negative space and not the graphic.  White space can also refer to the blank space behind an image because printers generally print on white paper.

Focal Point is the strongest or most dominant part of a design.  It is the point where the viewers eye is draw to when looking at the design and where the eye naturally rest when viewing the design as a whole.

Compound Path is a tool in illustrator that allows you to combine two objects, with one cutting a hole in the other.  Once they are created they act as a grouped object.  A time when you would use this is if you wanted to see the background behind an object, such as a donut.  You would create two circles and use the compound path tool to combine the two and take out the middle section of the donut so the background can be seen.