Week 6 will go down in history with the all time amazing events, it will always be remembered for the week when I finally broke radio silence from Pete.  I received input on the site design and logo, social media passwords, url, money to pay for hosting, and last but certainly not least, content.

I have been adding videos and tweeting the video design within squarespace.  Additionally I have begun to experiment with different After Effects animations for the splash page introductions for the site.  While splash pages have not been at the forefront in recent years, several publications on web and graphic design have stated splash pages will be at the forefront of web design for the foreseeable future.  My only concern with the process are the time constraints to create the desired animation, but I will push on until finished.

Pete was pleased with the logo design, and I will tweak the design to accommodate his wishes accordingly.  He was very pleased with the design of the website, and we have set dates for review during week 8 and a final review during week 9.  The difficulty with week 8, is that Pete is traveling to Mexico for vacation, so all interact will be conducted through Skype and email.  Overall, I am confident with my timeline on the website.