WEEK 07 (16 – 22 November 2009)
Teaching Large Classes; Using PowerPoint Interactively
Large classes are a challenge in any area, but they can be especially difficult in language teaching and learning. There are a number of ways to keep students engaged, even in large classes, thus learning. Hint: Just lecturing is not one of them!
Many people use PowerPoint, but it’s rarely used effectively and INTERACTIVELY. It’s important to move a PowerPoint presentation out of straight lecture mode.
Learning Objectives
Teaching large classes
Condition: After reading about examples of different student-centered, interactive large classes
Audience: Participants in the course
Behavior: Will share ideas about what techniques might be useful in their own settings
Degree: In at least one post on Nicenet
Using PowerPoint interactively
Degree: In at least one post on Nicenet
Audience: Participants in the course
Behavior: Will share ideas about how they could use PPT more effectively to encourage student interaction (possibly including having students create their own presentations)
Condition: After reading about ways to encourage interactivity with PPT
Readings are required! Go carefully through them and use them to help form a basis for your postings in the weekly discussions. We have two related topics this week, and a lot of suggested readings. You only need to read two readings and respond in ONE forum, but I think you’ll enjoy looking at most of these.ReadingsEngaging Students in Large Classes (read the first one, then choose a second one)
Interactive PowerPoint: choose any two to read
Additional Resources Teaching Large Classes
Interactive PowerPoint
Weekly Requests and Reminders: You’ll need to start thinking about your Final Project/Action Plan this week – what can you do to apply some of the things we’re talked about in this course to your own classes? Use the Final Project/Action Plan checklist to help you with this. Your action plans will be due on December 6. |
Discussions: Go to Nicenet, log in, and participate in this week’s topics.
Make sure you save good sites on your Delicious.com page! |