E-Teacher Scholarship Program
Welcome to UO E-Teacher
E-Teacher is a U.S. Department of State (US DOS) program, funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and managed by Office of English Language Programs. E-Teacher courses and the professional development exchange were administered by the University of Oregon’s (UO) American English Institute (AEI) through December 2015. All decisions to award scholarships and
professional development exchange places and the criteria related thereto were made and established by US DOS.
UO AEI E-Teacher has offered more than ten (10) innovative, online, professional development courses to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching professionals in more than 200 countries outside the U.S.A., among them:
- Assessment: Summative and Formative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching
- Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web (Web Skills)
- Critical Thinking in Language Learning and Teaching (CT)
- Developing Local Leadership for Global English Language Teaching (Global English)
- English for Specific Purposes, Aligning Context with Practices (ESP)
- Introduction to Pedagogy and Practices in TESOL (TESOL Methods)
- Practical Applications in Listening and Speaking Skills (PALSS)
- Special Education and Differentiated Instruction in an EFL Context (SpEd EFL)
- Teaching English to Pre-teens and Teens (TEPT)
- Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL)
These two 5-week courses were also freely available Spring 2015 through Fall 2015 as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on Coursera:
- Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching.
- Shaping the Way We Teach English, 2: Paths to Success in English Language Teaching.
Each MOOC course contained unique content and could be taken separately or together and in any order. For current offerings, please see AEI Online.