ATDOP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Course requirements, grading criteria and certificates
How to Apply for an ATDOP Scholarship
ATDOP online courses are open at this time to English Access Microscholarship Program (Access) teachers from 8 countries: Burkina Faso, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, and Russia. Access teachers are nominated by and receive ATDOP scholarships from the U.S. Embassies or Consulates in their regions.
Technical Requirements
ATDOP welcomes teachers who are new to online learning. However, regular access (once a day is ideal but 4-5 times a week can work, if need be) to a reliable computer with a high-speed Internet connection is a must. Course participants should also be familiar, at a minimum, with:
- Email (a Gmail account is required).
- Skype (a Skype account is required).
- Web browsing (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome).
- Word processing and basic file management (creating new files, saving files, spell check, document formatting, etc.).
- Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF files [free download available].
Course Assignments, Synchronous (Real-Time) and Asynchronous
Participants live in time zones and locations all around the world. ATDOP courses are delivered in a combination of real-time (synchronous) and asynchronous modes. Participants should expect to spend 8-10 hours per week in course work. Factors which may add more time to course work include slow Internet connectivity locally, a level of English language proficiency which not adequate to handle university-level work, or other local factors related to teaching, family, etc.
ATDOP Online Courses Offered Quarterly, Rolling Enrollment
UO AEI offers 10-week online courses 3 times per year: Winter, Spring and Summer. We use a rolling enrollment system and invite candidates who are on the ATDOP Master List as spaces become available. All candidates need to complete the online registration process each term in order to secure their places in the course.
Tip: Be sure to check your spam or junk folder if you think we have not responded to you, as some email services automatically deliver unknown mail in this way.
Participants will receive certificates upon completion of their course projects and other assignments with a score of 70% or higher. At the end of each 10-week session, certificates will be express mailed to U.S. Embassy and Consulate sponsors for local distribution. Participants should contact local sponsors directly in order to make arrangements to receive their certificates.
- Policy, Forfeit of Scholarship: Participants who complete online registration and enroll in courses and then forfeit their ATDOP scholarships may not be eligible for future such funding.
- Policy, Late Work/Incomplete Work: Late work is not accepted and “incomplete” grades are not an option. All course work must be completed within the term in which a participant is enrolled.
- Policy, Plagiarism: There is zero tolerance for plagiarized (copied) work of any kind. Participants will not receive credit toward passing the course on work which has been plagiarized. This includes discussion postings as well. For information on acceptable quotation practices, see Quotations, Paraphrases and Summaries from The OWL at Purdue (OWL = Online Writing Lab).