Lexicon 7




Intellectual property formally credits and protects the creator of outputs of the mind such as writings or conceptual inventions. A logo design would fall under this category. Ownership means others cannot steal the concept or use it for their own benefit. Proceeds and reference tie directly back to the originator. The concept is extremely important in economics as a means of behavioral incentivization. Protection encourages innovation and creation by guaranteeing benefit only to the owner.


Minimalism is the concept of eschewing what is not absolutely necessary. In the context of visual design, this means reducing the project to its most essential elements. A mainstream, contemporary example of minimalist aesthetics can be seen with Apple.


Transmedia refers to communications or narratives that occur across multiple media platforms. By engaging audiences on a number of intellectual modalities, participants are able to engage in the narrative to a greater extent. This is a useful tool in education as well. For example, telling a history narrative with a digital gaming component may be more memorable and interesting to students than the sole medium of a published boo. When people can interact with a project in multiple ways (reading the story, making choices in a game, seeing a graphic representation) they are more likely to retain.


Woof, woof. Good boy.

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