P334. Retallack, G.J., 2025. A short history of astropedology. Journal of the Soil Science Society of America 89, 70019. Retallack 2025 Astropedology history
P333. Retallack, G.J. and Bindeman I. 2024. Stable isotopic evidence for increased terrestrial productivity through geological time. Nature Scientific Reports 14: 27438. Retallack and Bindeman Dole in deep time
P332. Retallack, G.J. 2024f. Revisiting Late Ordovician millipedes on land. In Louis Taylor, L., and Robert Raynolds R., eds, Martin Lockley Festschrift. Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science 95. 363-374. Retallack 2024 Juniata
P331. Retallack, G.J., 2024e, Rare earth element proxy for Ediacaran marine versus non-marine fossils. Journal of Palaeosciences 73, 1874. Retallack 2024 Ediacaran YREE
P330. Retallack, G.J., 2024d Form-classification for microbially influenced sedimentary structures. Alcheringa 43, 2345631Retallack 2024 Rivularites
P329. Retallack, G.J., 2024c. Sacred soils of ancient India. Catena 241, 108026.Retallack 2024 Hindu soils
P328. Retallack, G.J. 2024b. Comment on “Biostratinomy of the enigmatic tubular organism Aulozoon soliorum, the Rawnsley Quartzite, South Australia” by Surprenant, et al. (2023) Gondwana Research 131, 18-19.Retallack 2024 Aulozoon comment
P327. Retallack, G.J. 2024a. Devonian vertebrates in central New South Wales, and early tetrapod habitats. Lethaia 57, 1-19.Retallack 2024 Canowindra
P326. Guo, X.L., Retallack, G.J., Lü, B., Ma, M.M., Wang, W.B., Liu, J.H., 2024. Pedostratigraphic and detrital zircon age model for Late Devonian red beds of northwest China. Journal of the Geological Society of London 181, jgs2023-096.Guo et al. 2024 Devonian age
P325. Guo, X.L., Retallack, G.J., He, LS., Li Z.J., Liu J.H., Wang, R.H., Liu, X.M., Wang, W.B., 2024, Northwestern Chinese record of Cenozoic global events. Catena 239, 107892.Guo et al. 2024 Cenozoic events
P324. Broz, A.P. Pritchard-Peterson, D., Spinola, D.N., Schneider, S., Retallack, G.J. and Silva, L.C.R., 2024, Eocene (50-55 Ma) greenhouse climate recorded in nonmarine rocks of San Diego, CA, USA Nature Scientific Reports, 14, 2613.Broz et al. 2024 San Diego Eocene
P323. The Cenozoic CO2 Proxy Integration Project (CenCO2PIP) Consortium (Hönisch, B., Royer, D., Breecker, D., Polissar, P., Bowen, G., Henehan, M., Cui, Y., Steinthorsdottir, M., McElwain, J., Kohn, M., Pearson, A., Phelps, S., Uno, K., Ridgwell, A, Anagnostou, E., Austermann , J., Badger, M.P.S., Barclay, R., Bijl, P.K., Chalk, T., Scotese, C., de la Vega, E., DeConto, R., Dyez, K., Ferrini, V., Franks, P., Giulivi, C., Gutjahr, M., Harper, D.T., Haynes, L.L., Huber, M., Snell, K., Keisling, B.A., Konrad, W., Lowenstein, T., Malinverno, A., Guillermic, M., Mejia, L.M., Milligan, J.M., Schaller, M., Morton, J.J., Nordt, L., Roth-Nebelsick, A., Rugenstein, J.C., Sheldon, N., Sosdian, S., Whiteford, R.D.M., Wilkes, E., Witkowski, C.R., Zhang, Y.G., Anderson, L., Beerling, D.J., Bolton, C., Cerling, T., Cotton, J.M., Da, J., Ekart, J.D., Foster, G., Greenwood, D., Hyland, E., Jagniecki, E., Jasper, J.P., Kowalczyk, J.B., Kunzmann , L., Kürschner, W.M., Lawrence, C., Lear, C., Martínez-Botí, M.A., Maxbauer, D., Montagna, P., Naafs, D.B., Rae, J., Raitzsch, M., Retallack, G.J., Ring, S., Seki, O., Sepúlveda, J., Sinha, A., Tesfamichael, T., Tripati, A., van der Burgh, J., Yu, J., Zachos, J., and Zhang, L.M.) 2023. Towards a Cenozoic History of Atmospheric CO2. Science 382, eadi5177.The Cenozoic CO2 proxy project 2023 Science
R322. Retallack, G.J., Master, S., Khangar, R.G., and Khan, M., 2023, Discussion on “Stinging News: ‘Dickinsonia’ discovered in the Upper Vindhyan of India not worth the buzz” by Meert, et al. (2023) Gondwana Research 118, 163-164.Retallack et al. 2023 Dickinsonia comment
P321. Retallack, G.J., Jepson, S., and Broz, A., 2023, Petrogypsic paleosols on Mars. Icarus 394, 115436Retallack et al. 2023 Candor petrogypsic
R320. Retallack, G.J., and Schmitz, M., 2023, Archean (3.3 Ga) paleosols and paleoenvironments of Western Australia. Plos1 18(9), e0291074.Retallack and Schmitz 2023 Archean Pilbara
P319. Retallack, G.J., 2023i. We are the Thermostat now. Nature Trails 57(11), 3-5.Retallack 2023 We are thermostat
P318. Retallack, G.J., 2023h. Perspective: Global weirding at mass extinction horizons. National Science Review 11, nwad206.Retallack 2023 PT global weirding
P317. Retallack, G.J., 2023g, Ecological polarity of living and Miocene apes. Evolving Earth 1, 10005.Retallack 2023 Miocene apes
P316. Retallack, G.J., 2023f. Mesoproterozoic calcareous paleosols from Montana. Precambrian Research 395, 107134Retallack 2023 Montana Calcid
P315. Retallack, G.J., 2023e, Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth extent inferred from paleosols in California. Journal of Palaeosciences 72, 9-28.REtallack 2023 Snowball limits
P314. Retallack, G.J., 2023d. Tanen and Predynastic Egyptian soil classification. Sharpshooter Spring-Summer, 4-5.
P313. Retallack, G.J., 2023c. Dinosaur and tree-line invasion of southeastern Australia during Cretaceous greenhouse spikes. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 70(6), 840-858.Retallack 2023 Otway periglacial
P312. Retallack, G.J., 2023b, Early Cretaceous (Albian) pterosaur guano deposit from central Oregon. Lethaia 56, 1-15.Retallack et al. 2023 Pterosaur guano
P311. Retallack, G.J., 2023a, Why was there a Snowball Earth? Precambrian Research 365, 106952. Retallack 2023 why snowball
P310. Retallack, G.J., Jepson, S., and Broz, A., 2023, Petrogypsic paleosols on Mars. Icarus 394, 115436 Retallack et al. 2023 Candor petrogypsic
P309. Retallack, G.J., 2022k. Early Ediacaran lichen from Death Valley, California, USA. Journal of Palaeosciences 71(2), 187−218. Retallack 2022 Noonday lichen
P308. Retallack, G.J., 2022j, Aulozoon, another problematic Ediacaran fossil from South Australia. Journal of Palaeosciences 71(2), 143−157. Retallack 2022 Aulozoon
P307. Retallack, G.J., 2022i, Biotic enhancement of weathering over the past 3.7 billion years. GSA Today 32(12), 4-9.Retallack 2022 Biotic enhancement
306. Retallack, G.J., 2022g. Sacred soils of Ancient Egypt. Geoderma 249, 116191.Retallack 2022 Sacred soils Egypt
305. Retallack, G.J., 2022f, Comment on “Kawahara, H., Yoshida, H., Yamamoto, K., Katsuta, N., Nishimoto, S., Umemura, A., Kuma, R., 2022. Hydrothermal formation of Fe-oxide bands in zebra rocks from northern Western Australia. Chemical Geology 590, 120699 Retallack, 2022 zebra rock comment
304. Retallack, G.J., 2022e. Repaired Dickinsonia specimens as clues to Ediacaran vendobiont biology. Plos One 17(6), e0269638. Retallack 2022 damaged Dickinsonia
303. Retallack, G.J., 2022f, Ferruginous biofilm preservation of Ediacaran fossils. Gondwana Research 110, 73-89. Retallack 2022 Ferruginous biofilms
302. Retallack, G.J., 2022e, Internal structure of Cambrian Arumberia, Noffkarkys and Hallidaya preserved in shale. Journal of Palaeosciences (in press). Retallack 2022 Fishtrap Cambrian
301. Retallack, G.J., 2022f, Soil salt and microbiome diversification over the past 3700 million years. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 598, 111016. Retallack 2022 soil salts
300. Retallack, G.J., 2022b. Ordovician-Devonian lichen canopy before evolution of woody trees. Gondwana Research 106, 211-223. Retallack 2022 age of lichens
299. Retallack, G.J. 2022a. Soil carbon dioxide planetary thermostat. Astrobiology 22, 116-123. Retallack 2021 soil thermostat
298. Mao, X.G., Retallack, G.J., and Liu, X.-M., 2022, Early Cretaceous paleosols and paleoenvironments in Zhangye Danxia Geopark, Gansu, China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 601, 111126. Mao et al 2022-P3-Zhangye
297.Gusick, A.E., Maloney, J., Braje, T.J., Retallack, G., Johnson, L., Klotsko, S., Anis, A. and Erlandson, J.M., Terrestrial Sediments on the Seafloor: Refining Archaeological Paleoshoreline Estimates and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction off the California Coast. Frontiers in Earth Science 10:941911,1357. Gusick et al. 2022 Channel Island paleosols
296. Bayon, G., Bindeman, I.N., Trinquier, A., Retallack, G., and Bekker, A., 2022 Coevolution of continental weathering and atmospheric oxygen since early Proterozoic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 584, 117490. Bayon et al 2022 Precambrian weathering
295. Retallack, G.J., 2022a Ordovician-Devonian lichen canopy before evolution of woody trees. Gondwana Research 106, 211-223..Retallack 2022 age of lichensTiering Gondwana Research Supplementary data tables
294. Emerson, L.F., Retallack, G.J., and Hughes, B.G. 2022. Early Miocene Cape Blanco flora of Oregon. University of Oregon Museum of Natural History Bulletin 28, 1-62. Emerson et al. 2022 Cape Blanco
293. Retallack, G.J., Chen, Z.-Q., Huan, Y, and Feng, H. Y., 2021. Mesoproterozoic alluvial paleosols of the Ruyang group in Henan, China. Precambrian Research 364, 106361.Retallack et al. 2021 Ruyang paleosols
292. Retallack, G.J., 2021h, Towards a glacial subdivision of the Ediacaran Period, with example of the Boston Bay Group, Massachusetts. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (in press).Retallack 2021 glacial Ediacaran
291. Retallack, G.J., 2021g. Ediacaran periglacial sedimentary structures. Journal of Paleosciences 70 (in press) Retallack 2021 Ediacaran periglacial
290. Retallack, G.J., 2021f. Soil-carbon-dioxide planetary thermostat. Astrobiology in press Retallack 2021 CO2 thermostat
289. Retallack, G.J., 2021e, Paleosols and weathering leading up to Snowball Earth in central Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (in press). https://doi.org/10.1080/08120099.2021.1906747 Retallack 2021 Snowball Ellery Creek
288. Retallack, G.J., 2021d, Great moments in plant evolution. U.S. National Academy of Sciences Proceedings 118(17), e2104256118.Retallack 2021 PNAS commentary.
287. Retallack, G.J., 2021c, Soil, Soil Processes, and Paleosols. In: Alderton, David; Elias, Scott A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geology, 2nd edition, vol.2, p. 690-707. United Kingdom: Academic Press.Retallack 2021 Encyclopedia article
286. Retallack, G.J., Matthews. N., Master, S., Khangar, R. and Khan, M., 2021, Dickinsonia discovered in India and late Ediacaran biogeography. Gondwana Research 90, 165–170.Retallack et al. 2021 Dickinsonia India
285. Broz, A., Retallack, G.J., Maxwell, T.M., & Silva, L.C.R., 2021, A record of vapour pressure deficit preserved in wood and soil. Nature Scientific Reports 11, 662. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-80006-9 Broz et al. 2021 VPD
284. Retallack, G.J. 2021b, Multiple Permian-Triassic life crises on land and at sea. Global and Planetary Change 198, 103415.Retallack 2021 PT again.
283. Retallack, G.J., 2021a, Modern analogs reveal the origin of Carboniferous coal balls. Palaeogeography Palaeclimatology Palaeoecology 564, 110185Retallack 2021 coal balls
282. Retallack, G.J., Broz, A.P., Lai, L., and Gardner, K., 2021. Neoproterozoic marine chemostratigraphy, or eustatic sea level change? Palaeogeography Palaeclimatology palaeoecology 562, 110155 Retallack et al. 2021 Nankoweap
281.Retallack G.J., and Broz, A., 2020b, Ediacaran and Cambrian paleosols in central Australia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 560, 110047 Retallack and Broz 2020 Arumbera paleosols
280. Retallack, G.J., 2020o. Zebra rock and other Ediacaran paleosols in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences https://doi.org/10.1080/08120099.2020.1820574.Retallack 2020 Zebra rock
279. Retallack, G.J., 2020.Ordovician land plants and fungi from Douglas Dam, Tennessee. Palaeobotanist 63, 1-3.REtallack 2019 Ordovician plants
278 Retallack, G.J., and Conde, G.D., 2020. Flooding induced by rising atmospheric carbon dioxide. GSA Today Retallack and Conde 2020 flooding CO2
277. Retallack, G.J., and Samuels, J.X., 2020, Paleosol-based inference of niches for Oligocene fossils from the John Day Formation of Oregon. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 39, 1761823. Retallack and Samuels 2020 John Day
276. Retallack, G.J., and Conde, G.D., 2020. Deep time perspective on rising atmospheric CO2. Global and Planetary Change 189, 103177.Retallack and Conde 2020 CO2 deep time
275. Retallack, G.J., and Broz, A, 2020, Arumberia and other Ediacaran fossils from central Australia. Historical Biology 32, 1755281 Retallack and Broz 2020 Arumberia
274. Retallack, G.J. and Mao, X.-G. 2019, Paleoproterozoic (ca. 1.9 Ga) megascopic life on land in Western Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 532, p.109266.Retallack and Mao 2019 Myxomitodes
273. Retallack, G.J., 2020a, Boron paleosalinity proxy for deeply buried Paleozoic and Ediacaran fossils. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 540, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109536 Retallack 2019 boron paleosalinity
272. Retallack, G.J. & Noffke, N., 2019, Are there ancient soils in the 3.7 Ga Isua Greenstone Belt, Greenland? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514, 18-30.Retallack and Noffke 2018 Greenland paleosol-2laovin
271. Retallack, G.J. 2019b. Soils and land use at the Ancient Greek colonial temples of southern Italy. Journal of Archeological Science Methods 24, 946-954. Retallack 2019 Doric temples of Italy
270. Retallack, G.J., 2019b. Interflag sandstone laminae, a novel fluvial sedimentary structure with implication for a Ediacaran paleoenvironments. Sedimentary Geology 379, 60-76.Retallack 2018 interflag laminae-1dl9df5
269. Retallack, G.J., 2019a, Leaf litter taphonomy from a Eucalyptus woodland near Sydney, Australia. Alcheringa (in press).Retallack 2018 Eucalyptus taphonomy-2l4wn4v
268. Mao, X.-G., & Retallack, G.J., 2019, Late Miocene drying of central Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514, 292-304.Mao and Retallack 2019 Alcoota-2eqa99v
267. Guo, X.-L., Retallack, G.J., Lü, B., He, L.-S., & Song, H., 2019, Paleosols in Devonian red-beds from Northwest China and their paleoclimatic characteristics. Sedimentary Geology 379, 16-24 Gou et al. 2018 Devonian China-wy27a6
266. Retallack, G.J., Theodor, J.M., Davis, E.B., Hopkins, S.S. and Barrett, P.Z., 2018c, First dinosaur (Ornithopoda) from Oregon, USA. First dinosaur (Ornithopoda) from Early Cretaceous (Albian) of Oregon, U.S.A. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontolog. doi: 10.1080/02724634.2018.1486847Retallack et al. 2018 Oregon dinosaur-1agfxpi
265. Retallack, G.J., Broz, A., Breithaupt, B., Matthews N., and Martin, J.E., 2018b, Pleistocene mammoth trackway from Fossil Lake, Oregon. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Paleoecology 496, 192-204.Retallack et al. 2018 mammoth trackway-15xkyvm
264. Retallack, G.J., Bajpai, S., Liu, X., Kapur, V.V., and Pandey. S.K., 2018a, Advent of strong Indian monsoon by 20 million years ago. Journal of Geology 126, 1-24.REtallack et al. 2017 Asian monsoon-22vf1k3
263. Retallack, G.J., 2018c. The Devonian Problematicum Protonympha as another post Ediacaran vendobiont. Lethaia DOI: 10.1111/let.12253Retallack 2018 Protonympha-2ndnsxp
262. Retallack, G.J. 2018b, Dickinsonia steroids not only in animals. Science 361, 1246 eletter: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/361/6408/1246/tab-e-lettersRetallack 2018 Dickinsonia not animal-1lkfxvv
261. Retallack, G.J. 2018a.Oldest recognized paleosols on Earth, Panorama Formation (3.46 Ga), Western Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (in press)Retallack 2017 Panorama paleosols-1ijner5
260.Bindeman, I.N., Zakharov, D.O., J. Palandri, J., Greber, N.D., Dauphas, N., Retallack, G.J., Hofmann, A., Lackey, J.S. & Bekker, A., 2018, Rapid growth of subaerial continental crust and formation of modern hydrologic cycle at ~2.5 Ga, a triple oxygen isotope perspective. Nature 557, 546-550Bindeman et al. 2018 delO17 Precambrian-1sbkavv
259. Retallack, G.J., 2017b, Exceptional preservation of soft-bodied Ediacara Biota promoted by silica-rich oceans: comment. Geology 44, e407.Retallack 2017 Ge-Si comment-1d9lvur
258. Retallack, G.J., 2017a, Framboidal pyrite shroud confirms the ‘death mask’ model for moldic preservation of Ediacaran soft-bodied organisms – comment. Palaios 32, doi 10.2110/palo.2016.093.Retallack 2017 death mask comment-x5qcnm
257. Tu, C., Chen, Z.-Q., Retallack,G.J., Huang, Y., and Fang, Y., 2016. Proliferation of MISS-related microbial mats following the end-Permian mass extinction in terrestrial ecosystems: evidence from the Lower Triassic of the Yiyang area, Henan Province, North China. Sedimentary Geology 333, 50-69.Tu et al. 2016 China PT
256. Gregory J. Retallack, G.J., David H. Krinsley, D.H., Robert Fischer, R., Joshua J. Razink, J.J., and Kurt A. Langworthy, K., 2017, Reply to comment by K. Sugitani et al. (2016) on the article “Archean coastal plain paleosols and life on land” by G.J. Retallack et al. (2016), Gondwana Research 40, 1-20. Gondwana Research 43 doi.10.1016/j.gr.2016.12.001Retallack et al. 2017 reply to Sugitani et al.-2af8bri
255.. Retallack, G.J., Krinsley, D.H., Fischer, R., Razink, J.J., and Langworthy, K. 2016 Archean life on land. Gondwana Research 40, 1-20. retallack-et-al-2016-farrel
254. Retallack, G.J., Gavin, D.G., Davis, E.B., Sheldon, N.D., Erlandson, J.M., Reed, M.H., Bestland, E.A., Roering, J.J., Carson, R.J., and Mitchell, R.B., 2016, Oregon 2100: projected climatic and ecological changes. University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History Bulletin 26, 1-21.Retallack et al. 2016 Oregon 2100
253. Retallack, G.J., and Burns, S.F. 2016, Effect of soils on the taste of wines. GSA Today 26(5), 1-8.Retallack and Burns 2016 terroir
252. Retallack, G.J., 2016b. Comment on: “Dickinsonia liftoff: evidence of current derived morphologies” by S. D. Evans, M. L. Droser, and J.G. Gehling, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 485, 999-1001.Retallack 2017 Dickinsonia liftoff-2g63omm
251. Retallack, G.J., 2016d, Ediacaran fossils in petrographic thin sections. Alcheringa 40, 583-600. Retallack 2016 Ediacaran fossils in thin section
250. Retallack, G.J., 2016c, Astropedology and the origin of life. Geology Today 32, 172-178. retallack-2016-astropedology
249. Retallack, G.J. 2016b. Field and laboratory tests for recognition of Ediacaran paleosols. Gondwana Research 36, 94-110.retallack-2016-soil-tests
248. Retallack, G.J., 2016a, Ediacaran sedimentology and paleoecology of Newfoundland reconsidered. Sedimentary Geology 333, 15-31.Retallack 2016 Newfoundland ecology
247. Beraldi-Campesi, H., and Retallack, G.J. 2016. Precambrian terrestrial ecosystems. In Weber, B., Belnap, J. and Büdel, B., eds., Biocrusts past and present. Springer, Berlin, 27-54.Beraldi Campesi and Retallack 2016 Precambrian life on land.
246. Retallack, G.J. 2015c. Silurian vegetation stature and density inferred from fossil soils and plants in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Geological Society of London Journal 172, 693-709.Retallack 2015 Palmerton Silurian
245. Retallack, G.J. 2015b, Late Ordovician glaciation initiated by early land plant evolution, and punctuated by greenhouse mass-extinctions. Journal of Geology 123, 509-538. Retallack 2015 Juniata paleosols
244. Retallack, G.J., 2015a, Acritarch evidence of a late Precambrian adaptive radiation of Fungi. Botanica Pacifica 4, 19-33. Retallack 2015 Ediacaran spores
243. Retallack, G.J. 2015. Reassessing the Silurian Problematicum Rutgersella as another post-Ediacaran vendobiont. Alcheringa in press Retallack 2015 Rutgersella
242. Retallack, G.J., Gose, B., and Osterhout, J., 2015, Periglacial paleosols and Cryogenian paleoclimate near Adelaide, South Australia. Precambrian Research 263, 1-18.Retallack et al. 2015 Hallett Cove
241. Narkiewicz, M., Grabowski, J., Narkiewicz, K., Niedźwiedzki, G., Retallack, G.J., Piotr Szrek, P.and De Vleeschouwer, D., 2015, Palaeoenvironments of the Eifelian dolomites with earliest tetrapod trackways (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 420, 173-192.Narkiewicz et al. 2015 Polish tetrapods
240. Zhou, Y., Retallack, G.J. & Huang, C. 2014. Early Eocene paleosol developed from basalt in southeastern Australia: Implications for paleoclimate . Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 7: doi 10.1007/s12517-014-1328-8.Zhou et al. 2014 Monaro paleosol
239. Retallack, G.J., Marconato, A., Osterhout, J.T., Watts, K.E. and Bindeman, I.N., 2014, Revised Wonoka isotopic anomaly in South Australia and Late Ediacaran mass extinction. Journal of the Geological Society of London 171, 709-722.Retallack et al. 2014 Wonoka
238. Sheldon, N.D., Chakrabarti, R., Retallack, G.J., and Smith R.M.H., 2014, Contrasting geochemical signatures on land from the Middle and Late Permian extinction events. Sedimentology, 61, 1812-1829.Sheldon et al. 2014 Antarctic Guadalupian
237. Retallack G.J., and Landing, E., 2014, Affinities and architecture of Devonian trunks of Prototaxites loganii. Mycologia 106, 1143-1156 (supplementary information only)Retallack and Landing 2014 Prototaxites Supplements
236. Retallack G.J., and Landing, E., 2014, Affinities and architecture of Devonian trunks of Prototaxites loganii. Mycologia 106, 1143-1156.Retallack and Landing 2014 Prototaxites
235. Retallack, G.J. 2014g, Paleosols and paleoenvironments of early Mars. Geology 42, 755-758.Retallack 2014 Martian soils
234. Retallack. G.J., 2014e, Comment on “How well do fossil assemblages of the Ediacaran biota tell time?” by James G. Gehling and Mary L. Droser. Geology, 42, e322; doi: 10.1130/G34781C.1Retallack 2014 Ediacaran biostratigraphy
233. Retallack, G.J., 2014d, Comment on “Affirming life aquatic for the Ediacara biota in China and Australia” by Xiao, S., Droser, M., Gehling, J.G., Hughes, I.V., Wan, B., Chen, Z., and Yuan, X. Geology 42:e325; doi:10.1130/G35030C.1Retallack 2014 life aquatic comment
232. Retallack, G.J., 2014c, Volcanosedimentary paleoenvironments of Ediacaran fossils in Newfoundland. Geological Society of America Bulletin 126, 619-638.Retallack 2014 Newfoundland Ediacaran
231. Retallack, G.J., 2014b, Comment on “Evidence for Cnidaria-like behavior in c. 560 Ma Ediacaran Aspidella” by Latha R. Menon, Duncan McIlroy and Martin D. Brasier. Geology 42:e323; doi:10.1130/G34895C.1Retallack 2014 Aspidella
230. Retalllack, G.J. 2014a. Precambrian life on land. The Palaeobotanist 63, 1-15.Retallack 2014 Precambrian life on land
229. Narkiewicz, M. and Retallack G.J. 2014. Paleosols and paleoenvironments of the earliest tetrapod tracks in the Eifelian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Sedimentary Geology 299, 74-87.Narkiewicz and Retallack 2014
228. Breecker, D.O., and Retallack G.J., 2014, Refining the pedogenic carbonate atmospheric CO2 proxy and application to Miocene CO2. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 406, 1-8.Breecker and Retallack_2014_CO2 calculation
227. Retallack, G.J., Krull, E.S., Thackray, G.D., and Parkinson, D., 2013. Problematic urn-shaped fossils from a Paleoproterozoic (2.2 Ga) paleosol in South Africa. Precambrian Research 235, 71-87.Retallack et al. 2013 Diskagma
226. Retallack, G.J., Dunn, K.L., and Saxby, J., 2013. Problematic Mesoproterozoic fossil Horodyskia from Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Precambrian Research 226, 125-142.Retallack et al. 2013 Horodyskia
225. Retallack, G.J., 2013j, Ediacaran characters. Evolution and Development 15, 387-388.Retallack 2013 Ediacaran characters
224. Retallack. G.J., 2013j, Discussion on ‘Implications of cross-bedding data from the upper part of the Cambrian succession, Arrowie Basin, South Australia’ by J. B. Jago, C. G. Gatehouse, C. McA Powell and T. Casey. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 60, 541-542.Retallack 2013 discussion of Jago et al.
223. Retallack, G.J., 2013i, Comment on “Trace fossil evidence for Ediacaran bilaterian animals with complex behaviors” by Chen et al. [Precambrian Res. 224 (2013) 690-701]. Precambrian Research 231, 383-385.Retallack 2013 Ediacaran slime molds
222. Retallack, G.J., 2013h. Permian and Triassic greenhouse crises. Gondwana Research 24, 90-103.Retallack 2013 Permian Triassic greenhouse crises
221. Retallack, G.J., 2013g, Global cooling by grasslands in the geological past and near future. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science 41, 5.1-18.Retallack 2013 grassland cooling
220. Retallack, G.J., 2013f, Early Cambrian humid, tropical paleosols from Montana. In Driese, S.G., ed., New frontiers in paleopedology and terrestrial paleoclimatology. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Paper 44, 257-272.Retallack 2013 Fishtrap Cambrian paleosols
219. Retallack, G.J., 2013e, A short history and long future of paleopedology. In Driese, S.G., ed., New frontiers in paleopedology and terrestrial paleoclimatology. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Paper 44, 5-16. Retallack 2013 paleopedology history
218. Retallack G.J., 2013d, Reply to Callow et al. “Were Ediacaran siliciclastics of South Australia coastal or deep marine?” Sedimentology 60, 628-630 Retallack 2013 Sedimentology – Reply
217. Retallack, G.J., 2013c, Ediacaran Gaskiers Glaciation of Newfoundland reconsidered. Geological Society of London Journal 170, 19-36 Retallack 2013 Gaskiers paleosols
216. Retallack, G.J., 2013b, Ediacaran life on land. Nature 493, 89-92 Supplementary Material Retallack 2013 Ediacaran life on land supplementary
215. Retallack, G.J., 2013a, Ediacaran life on land. Nature 493, 89-92. Retallack 2013 Ediacaran life on land
214. Huang, C., Retallack, G.J., Wang, C., and Huang, Q., 2013, Paleoatmospheric pCO2 fluctuations across the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary recorded from paleosol carbonates in NE China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 385, 95-105.Huang et al. 2013 Cretaceous pCO2
213. Retallack G.J., and Dilcher, D.L., 2012, Core and geophysical logs versus outcrop for interpretation of Cretaceous paleosols in the Dakota Formation of Kansas. Palaeogeography Palaeclimatology Paleoecology 329-330, 47-63. Retallack and Dilcher 2012 Kansas Cretaceous
212. Retallack, G.J., and Roering, J.J., 2012, Wave-cut or water-table platforms of rocky coasts and rivers? GSA Today 22(6), 4-9. Retallack_and_Roering_2012_Oregon_coastal_terraces
211. Retallack, G.J., 2012c, Mallee model for Mesozoic and early Cenozoic mammalian communities. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 342-343, 111-129. Retallack 2012 mallee model
210. Retallack, G.J., 2012b. Were Ediacaran siliciclastics of South Australia coastal or deep marine? Sedimentology 58, 1208-1236. Retallack 2012 Ediacaran paleosols
209. Retallack, G.J. 2012a. Criteria for distinguishing microbial mats and earths. In Noffke, N., and Chafetz, H., eds., Microbial mats in siliciclastic sediments. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Paper 101, 136-152. Retallack 2012 microbial mat and earth
208. Jago, J.B., Gehling, J.G., Paterson, J.R., Brock, G.A., and Retallack, G.J. 2012. Comment and reply on “Problematic megafossils in Cambrian palaeosols of South Australia”. Palaeontology 55, 913-921. Retallack 2012 Cambrian paleosol fossil reply
207. Huang, C.-M, Retallack, G.J., and Wang, C.-S., 2012, Early Cretaceous atmospheric pCO2 level recorded from pedogenic carbonates in China. Cretaceous Research 33, 42-49. Huang et al. 2012 Cretaceous CO2
206. Retallack,G.J., Sheldon,N.D., Carr,P.F., Fanning,M., Thompson,C.A., Williams,M.L., Jones, B.G.,and Hutton, A.,2011, Multiple Early Triassic greenhouse crises impeded recovery from Late Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,v.308, p.233-251. Retallack et al.. 2011 Sydney Basin Permian Triassic
205. Retallack, G.J., Davies, N..S., Rygel, M.C., and Gibling, M.R., 2011, Marine influence in the Upper Ordovician Juniata Formation (Potters Mills, Pennsylvania): implications for the history of life on land: comment and reply: Palaios 26, 675-679. Retallack et al 2011 Juniata comment
204. Retallack G.J. and Huang, 2011, Ecology and evolution of Devonian trees in New York, USA. Palaeogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology, v.299, p.110-128. Retallack and Huang 2011 Devonian trees
203. Retallack, G.J., 2011e. Problematic megafossils in Cambrian palaeosols of South Australia. Palaeontology 54, 1223-1242. Retallack 2011 Cambrian life on land
202. Retallack, G.J., 2011d, Exceptional fossil preservation during CO2 greenhouse crises? Palaeogeography Palaeclimatology Paleoecology, v. 307, p. 59-74. Retallack 2011 lagerstatten
201. Retallack, G.J., 2011c, Woodland hypothesis for Devonian evolution of tetrapods: erratum. Journal of Geology 119, 557-558. Retallack 2011 Devonian tetrapod erratum
200. Retallack, G.J., 2011b, Woodland hypothesis for Devonian evolution of tetrapods. Journal of Geology, v. 119, p. 235-258 Retallack 2011 Devonian tetrapods
199. Retallack, G.J., 2011a, Neoproterozoic glacial loess and limits to snowball Earth. Geological Society of London Journal 168, 1-19. Retallack 2011 Nuccaleena cap carbonate
198. Retallack, G.J., and Huang, C.-M., 2010, Depth to gypsic horizon as a proxy for paleoprecipitation in paleosols of sedimentary environments. Geology 38, 403-406. Retallack and Huang 2010 By depth
197. Retallack, G.J., 2010b, First evidence for locomotion in the Ediacara biota from the 565 Ma Mistaken Point Formation, Newfoundland: comment. Geology 38. e223. Retallack 2010 burrow comment
196. Retallack, G.J., 2010a, Lateritization and bauxitization events. Economic Geology 105, 655-667. Retallack 2010 laterites
195. Metzger, C.A., and Retallack, G.J., 2010, Middle Miocene climate change in the Australian outback. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 57, 871-885. Metzger and Retallack 2010 Lake Palankarinna
194. Huang, C.-M., Retallack, G.J., and Wang, C.S., 2010, Cretaceous calcareous paleosols: pedogenetic characteristics and paleoenvironmental implications. Acta Pedologica Sinica 47, 1029-1038 (in Chinese). Huang et al. 2010 Cretaceous China
193. Retallack, G.J., Hunt, R.R., and White, T.E., 2009, Late Devonian tetrapod habitats indicated by palaeosols in Pennsylvania. Journal of the Geological Society of London 166, 1143-1156. Retallack et al. 2009 Hyner tetrapods
192. Retallack, G.J., 2009f. Cambrian-Ordovician non-marine fossils from South Australia. Alcheringa 33, 355-391. Retallack 2009 Ordovician life on land
191. Retallack, G.J., 2009e. Refining a pedogenic CO2 paleobarometer for quantifying the middle Miocene greenhouse spike. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 281, 57-65. Retallack 2009, Miocene greenhouse
190. Retallack, G.J., 2009d, Greenhouse crises of the past 300 million years. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 121, 1441-1454 Retallack 2009 Utah greenhouse crises
189. Retallack, G.J. 2009c, Early Paleozoic pedostratigraphy and global events in Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 569-584 Retallack 2009 Paleozoic pedostratigraphy
188. Retallack, G.J., 2009b, Comment on “Hot, wet, cold or toxic? Revisiting the ecological significance of leaf cuticular micromorphology” by M. Haworth and J. McElwain. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 273, 207-208. Retallack 2009 cuticle comment
187.Retallack, G.J., 2009a, “Mechanisms of PETM global change constrained by a new record from central Utah” (by G.J Bowen and B.B. Bowen); comment. Geology 37(1), e184-185. Retallack 2009 Paleocene thermal maximum
186 Bestland, E.A., Forbes, M.S., Krull, E.S., Retallack, G.J., and Fremd, T., 2008, Stratigraphy, paleopedology and geochemistry of the middle Miocene Mascall Formation (type area, central Oregon, USA). Paleobios 28, 41-61. Bestland et al. 2008 Mascall paleosols
185. Retallack, G.J. and Jahren, A.H. 2008. Methane release from igneous intrusion of coal during Late Permian extinction events. Journal of Geology 116,1-20. Retallack and Jahren 2008 coal methane spikes
184. Retallack, G.J., 2008d, Cenozoic cooling and grassland expansion in Oregon and Washington. Paleobios 28, 89-113. Retallack 2008 Oregon paleosol record
183.Retallack, G.J., 2008c. Warm-spike or cool-climate lateritic bauxites at high latitudes? Journal of Geology 116, 558-570. Retallack 2008 high latitutde bauxite
182. Retallack, G.J., 2008b, Rocks, views, soils and plants at the temples of ancient Greece. Antiquity 82, 640-657. Retallack 2008 Greek temples Retallack 2008 Greek Flora Supplement
181. Retallack, G.J., 2008a, Cambrian paleosols and landscapes of South Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 55, 1083-1106. Retallack 2008 Cambrian paleosols
180. Retallack, G.J., Manchester, S.R., and Upchurch, G.R., 2007b, David Dilcher: an appreciation. In Jarzen, D.M., Manchester, S.R., Retallack, G.J., and Jarzen, S.A., eds., Advances in angiosperm paleobotany and paleoclimatic reconstruction – contributions honoring David L. Dilcher and Jack A. Wolfe. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 258, 1-9. Retallack et al. 2007 David Dilcher
179. Retallack, G.J., Greaver, T., and Jahren, A.H., 2007a, Return to Coalsack Bluff and the Permian-Triassic boundary in Antarctica. Global and Planetary Change 55, 90-108. Retallack et al. 2007 Coalsack Bluff
178. Retallack, G.J., and Kirby, M.X., 2007, Middle Miocene global change and paleogeography of Panama. Palaios 22, 667-679. REtallack and Kirby 2007 Panama Miocene
177. Bykowski, R., and Retallack, G.J., 2007, Was Triceratops more like a bison, rhino, or hippo? Implications for lifestyle and habitat. In Braman, D.R., ed., Ceratopsian symposium: short papers, abstracts and programs. Royal Tyrell Museum, Drumheller, Alberta, p. 11-16. Bykowski and Retallack 2007 hippo Triceratops
176. Retallack, G.J., 2007e, Coevolution of life and earth. In Earth evolution, edited by D. Stevenson, in Treatise of Geophysics, edited by G. Schubert, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 295-320. Retallack 2007 coevolution
175. Retallack, G.J., 2007d, Paleosols. In Handbook of paleoanthropology, Volume 1. Principles, methods and approaches, edited by W. Henke and I. Tattersall, Springer, Berlin, p. 383-408. Retallack 2007 Kenyan paleosols
174. Retallack, G.J., 2007c, Decay, growth, and burial compaction of Dickinsonia, an iconic Ediacaran fossil. Alcheringa 31, 215-240. Retallack 2007 Dickinsonia
173. Retallack, G.J. 2007b. Soils and global change in the carbon cycle over geological time. In Holland H.D., and Turekian, K.K., Editors, Treatise on geochemistry, Pergamon Press, Oxford, v. 5, p.581-605 (revised in color). Retallack 2007 Proserpina principle
172. Retallack, G.J., 2007a, Cenozoic paleoclimate on land in North America. Journal of Geology 115, 271-194. Retallack 2007 Cenozoic climate
171. Retallack, G.J., Greaver, T., Jahren, A.H., Smith, R.M.H., Sheldon, N.D., and Metzger, C.A., 2006, Middle-Late Permian mass extinction on land. Geological Society of America Bulletin 118, 1398-1411. Retallack et al. 2006 mid-late Permian extinction
170. Retallack, G.J. and Krull, E.S. 2006. Carbon isotopic evidence for terminal-Permian methane outbursts and their role in extinctions of animals, plants, coral reefs and peat swamps. In Greb, S. and DiMichele, W.A., Editors, Wetlands through time. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America 399, 249-268. Retallack and Krull 2006 Permian methane outbursts
169. Retallack, G.J., Jahren, A.H., Sheldon, N.D., Chakrabarti, R., Metzger, C.A., and Smith, R.M.H., 2005. Permian-Triassic boundary in Antarctica. Antarctic Science 17, 241-258. Retalllack et al. 2005 Permian-Triassic Antarctica
168. Retallack, G.J., 2005c, Permian greenhouse crises, in Lucas, S.G. and Ziegler, K.E., ed., The nonmarine Permian. Bulletin New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science 30, 256-269. Retallack 2005 Permian greenhouse crises
167. Retallack, G.J. 2005b. Earliest Triassic claystone breccias and soil erosion crisis. Journal of Sedimentary Research 75, 663-679. REtallack 2005 Permian-Triassic soil erosion
166. Retallack, G.J., 2005a, Pedogenic carbonate proxies for amount and seasonality of precipitation in paleosols. Geology 33, p. 333-336. Retallack 2005 Bk depth
165. Johnston, C.A., Groffman, P., Breshears, D.D., Cardon, Z.G., Currie, W., Emanuel, W., Gaudinski, J., Jackson, R.,B., Lajtha, Nadelhoffer, K., Nelson, D., Post, W.M., Retallack, G., and Wielopski, L., 2004, Carbon cycling in soil. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 2(10), 522-528. Johnston et al. 2004 carbon cycling
164. Sheldon, N.D. and Retallack, G.J., 2004, Regional paleoprecipitation trends in the Eocene and Oligocene of North America.Journal of Geology 112, 487-494. Sheldon and Retallack 2004, Eocene Oligocene paleoprecipitation
163. Retallack, G.J., Wynn, J.G., and Fremd, T.J., 2004a. Glacial-interglacial-scale paleoclimatic changes without large ice sheets in the Oligocene of central Oregon. Geology 32, 297-300. Retallack et al 2004 Ologicene Milankovitch
162. Retallack, G.J., Orr, W.N., Prothero, D.R., Duncan, R.A., Kester, P.R., and Ambers, C.P., 2004a. Eocene-Oligocene extinction and paleoclimatic change near Eugene, Oregon. Bulletin Geological Society of America 116, 817-839. Retallack et al. 2004 Eugene geology
161. Retallack, G.J. 2004f. Late Miocene climate and life on land in Oregon within a context of Neogene global change. Palaeogeography Palaeclimatology Palaeoecology 214, 97-123. Retallack 2004 Miocene Unity
160. Retallack, G.J. 2004e, Ecological polarities of Cenozoic fossil soil, plants and animals from central Oregon. Paleobiology 30, 561-588. Retallack 2004 ecological polarities
159. Retallack, G.J. 2004d. Late Oligocene bunch grassland and Early Miocene sod grassland paleosols from central Oregon, U.S.A. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 207, 203-237. Retallack 2004 Oregon grasslands
158. Retallack, G.J. 2004c. End-Cretaceous acid rain as a selective extinction mechanism between birds and dinosaurs. In Feathered dragons: studies on the transition from dinosaurs to birds, edited by P. J. Currie, E.B. Koppelhus. M.A. Shugar and J.L. Wright. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, p.35-64. Retallack 2004 end-cretaceous acid rain
157. Retallack, G.J., 2004b, Comment – Contrasting Deep-water Records from the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic of South Tibet and British Columbia: Evidence for a Diachronous Mass Extinction, by P.B. Wignall and R. Newton. Palaios 19, 101–102. Retallack 2004 diachronous exinction
156. Retallack, G.J. 2004a. Soils and global change in the carbon cycle over geological time. In Holland H.D., and Turekian, K.K., Editors, Treatise on geochemistry, Pergamon Press, Oxford, v. 5, p.581-605. Retallack 2004 Proserpina Princple
155. Engoren, M. and Retallack, G.J. 2004. Vertebrate extinction across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Karoo Basin of South Africa: comment and reply. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 116, 1295-1296. Engoren and Retallack 2004 Permian vertebrate extinction
154. Huggett, R., Hesselbo, S., Sheldon, N.D. and Retallack, G.J., 2003, Low oxygen levels in earliest Triassic soils: comment and reply: Geology 31, e20-e21.Huggett et al. 2003 Triassic low oxygen
153. Retallack, G.J., Sheldon, N.D, Cogoini, M. and Elmore, R.D. 2003. Magnetic susceptibility of early Paleozoic and Precambrian paleosols. Palaeogeography Palaeclimatology Palaeoecology 198, 373-380. Retallack et al. 2003 paleosol magnetic suscepitbility
152. Retallack, G.J., Smith, R.M.H., and Ward, P.D., 2003, Vertebrate extinction across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Karoo Basin of South Africa. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 115, 1133-1152. Retallack et al. 2013 Karoo basin permian-Triassic
151. Sheldon, N.D, Retallack, G.J. and Tanaka, S., 2002, Geochemical climofunctions from North American soils and application to paleosols across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in Oregon. Journal of Geology 110, 687-696. Sheldon et al. 2002 climofunctions
150. Sheldon, N.D. and Retallack, G.J., 2002, Low oxygen levels in earliest Triassic soils. Geology 30, 919-922. Sheldon and Retallack 2002 Triassic soil oxygen
149. Myers, J., Kester, P. and Retallack, G.J. 2002. Paleobotanical record of Eocene-Oligocene climate and vegetational change near Eugene, Oregon. In Field Guide to geologic processes in Cascadia, G. W. Moore (ed.), Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Special Paper 36,145-154. Myers et al. 2002 Eugene paleobotany
148. Retallack, G.J., Wynn, J.G., Benefit, B.R. and McCrossin, M.L. 2002 Paleosols and paleoenvironments of the middle Miocene, Maboko Formation, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution 42, 659-703. Retallack et al. 2002 Maboko paleosols
147. Retallack G.J., Tanaka, S., and Tate, T., 2002. Late Miocene advent of tall grassland paleosols in central Oregon. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 183, 329-354. Retallack et al. 2002 Rattlesnake paleosols
146. Retallack, G.J. 2002d. Lepidopteris callipteroides, the earliest Triassic seed fern in the Sydney Basin, southeastern Australia. Alcheringa 26, 475-599. REtallack 2002 early Triassic Lepidopteris
145. Retallack, G. J. 2002c. Carbon dioxide and climate over the past 300 million years. In, Understanding climate change: proxies, chronology and ocean-atmosphere interactions, Eds. D.R. Gröcke and M. Kucera (2002), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A. 360, 659-674. Retallack 2002 CO2 and climate
144. Retallack, G. J., 2002b. Triassic-Jurassic atmospheric CO2 spike. Nature 415, 387-388. Retallack 2002 Triassic-Juradssic CO2
143. Retallack, G. J., 2002a. Atmospheric CO2 from fossil plant cuticles. Nature 415, 38. Retallack 2002 Ginkgo CO2 discussion
142. Wynn, J.G. and Retallack, G.J. 2001. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of middle Miocene paleosols bearing Kenyapithecus and Victoriapithecus, Nyakach Formation, southwestern Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution 40, 263-288. Wynn and Retallack 2001 Nyakach paleosols
141. Sheldon, N.D. and Retallack, G.J. 2001. Equation for compaction of paleosols due to burial. Geology 29, 247-250. Sheldon and Retallack 2001 paleosol compaction
140. Retallack, G.J., Krull, E.S. and Bockheim, J.G. 2001. New grounds for reassessing palaeoclimate of the Sirius Group, Antarctica. Journal of the Geological Society of London 158, 925-935. Retallack et al. 2001 Antarctic Miocene paleosols
139. Retallack, G.J. 2001c. A 300 million year record of atmospheric carbon dioxide from fossil plant cuticles. Nature 411, 287-290. Retallack 2001 Ginkgo CO2
138. Retallack, G.J. 2001b. Cenozoic expansion of grasslands and global cooling. Journal of Geology 109(4), 407-426. Retallack 2001 grasslands cooling
137. Retallack, G.J. 2001a. Scoyenia burrows from Ordovician paleosols of the Juniata Formation in Pennsylvania. Palaeontology 44, 209-235. Retallack 2001 Ordovician Scoyenia
136. Retallack, G.J. 2000c. What does the name Retallack mean? Cornwall Family History Society Journal 98, 14-15. Retallack 2000 retallack name
135. Retallack, G.J. 2000b. Ordovician life on land and early Paleozoic global change. In Phanerozoic ecosystems, edited by R.A. Gastaldo and W.A. DiMichele. Paleontological Society Papers 6, 21-45. Retallack 2000 Ordovician life on land
134. Retallack, G.J. 2000a. Depth to pedogenic carbonate horizon as a paleoprecipitation indicator? comment. Geology 28, 572-573. Retallack 2000 Bk comment
133. Krull, E.S. and Retallack, G.J. 2000. δ13C depth profiles from paleosols across the Permian-Triassic boundary in Antarctica: evidence for methane release. Geological Society of America Bulletin 112, 1459-1472. Krull and Retallack 2000 Permian-Triassic methane release
132. Krull, E.S., Retallack, G.J., Campbell, H.J. and Lyon, G.L. 2000. δ13Corg chemostratigraphy of the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Maitai Group, New Zealand: evidence for high latitude methane release. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 43, 21-32. Krull et al. 2000 Permian-Triassic new Zealand
131. Retallack, G.J. and Krull, E.S. 1999c. Landscape ecological shift at the Permian-Triassic boundary in Antarctica. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 46(4), 786-812. Retallack and Krull 1999 Permian-Triassic Antarctica
130. Retallack, G.J. and Krull, E.S., 1999b, Neogene paleosols from the Sirius Group, Dominion Range, Antarctica. U.S. Antarctic Journal 32(5), 10-14. Retallack and Krull 1999 Miocene paleosols Antarctica
129. Retallack, G.J. and Krull, E.S., 1999a, Permian coprolites from Graphite Peak, Antarctica. Antarctic Journal of the United States 32(5), 7-9. Retallack and Krull 1999 Permian coprolites
128. Retallack, G.J. 1999g, Paleosols: traces of past vegetation. In Towards Gondwana alive, edited by J.H. Anderson, Gondwana Alive Society, Pretoria, 42-43. Retallack 1999 Gondwana paleosols
127. Retallack, G.J. 1999f, Mass extinctions: life’s revolutions. In Towards Gondwana alive, edited by J.H. Anderson, Gondwana Alive Society, Pretoria, 40-41.Retallack 1999 Gondwana Alive mass extinctions
126. Retallack, G.J. 1999e, Carboniferous fossil plants and soils of an early tundra ecosystem. Palaios 14, 324-336.Retallack 1999 Carboniferous tundra paleosols
125. Retallack, G.J. 1999d. Paleosols. In Fossil plants and spores: modern techniques, edited by T.P. Jones and N.P. Rowe. The Geological Society, London, p. 214-219. Retallack 1999 paleosols
124. Retallack, G.J., 1999c, A Jurassic prehnite vein intruding the Permian-Triassic boundary at Graphite Peak, Antarctica. U.S. Antarctic Journal 32(5), 5-7. Retallack 1999 Jurassic prehnite Antarctica
123. Retallack, G.J. 1999b, Post-apocalyptic greenhouse paleoclimate revealed by earliest Triassic paleosols in the Sydney Basin, Australia. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 111, 52-70. Retallack 1999 Permian-Triassic greenhouse Sydney Basin
122. Retallack, G.J., 1999a, Permafrost palaeoclimate of Permian palaeosols in the Gerringong volcanics of New South Wales. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 46, 11-22. Retallack 1999 Permian permafrost
121. Isbell, J.I., Askin, R.A., and Retallack, G.J. 1999. Search for evidence of impact at the Permian-Triassic boundary in Antarctica and Australia – comment and reply. Geology 27, 859-860.Retallack 1999 Permian-Triassic reply
120. Bestland, E.A., Hammond, P.E., Blackwell, D.L.S., Retallack, G.J. & Stimac, J. 1999. Geologic framework of the Clarno Unit, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, central Oregon. Oregon Geology 61(1), 3-19. Bestland et al 1999 Clarno geology
119. Retallack, G.J., Seyedolali, A., Krull, E.S., Holser, W.T., Ambers, C.A., and Kyte, F.T. 1998, Search for evidence of impact at the Permian-Triassic boundary in Antarctica and Australia. Geology 26, 979-982. Retallack et al. 1998 search for impact
118. Retallack, G.J., Krull, E.S., and Robinson, S.E., 1998, Permian and Triassic paleosols and paleoenvironments of the central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica. U.S. Antarctic Journal 31(2), 29-33. Retallack et al. 1998 paleosols of Transantarctic Mountains
117. Retallack, G.J. and Hammer, W.R., 1998. Paleoenvironment of the Triassic therapsid Lystrosaurus in the central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica. U.S. Antarctic Journal 31(2), 33-35. Retallack and Hammer 1998 Lystrosaurus paleoenvironment
116. Retallack, G.J. and Alonso-Zarza, A.M. 1998. Middle Triassic paleosols and paleoclimate of Antarctica. Journal of Sedimentary Research 68(1), 169-184. REtallack and Alonso-Zarze 1998 Middle Triassic Antarctica
115. Retallack, G.J. 1998g, Discussion: Sequence stratigraphic analysis of Early and Middle Triassic alluvial and estuarine facies in the Sydney Basin, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 45, 653-655. Retallack 1998 sequence stratigraphy discussion
114. Retallack, G.J. 1998f. Grassland ecosystems as a biological force in dusty dry regions. In Dust aerosols, loess soils and global change, edited by A.J. Busacca, Washington State University department of Agriculture and Home Economics Miscellaneous Publication MISC190, 171-174. Retallack 1998 grassland biological force
113. Retallack, G.J. 1998e. Core concepts of paleopedology. In Revisitation of concepts in paleopedology (Transactions of the Second International Symposium on Paleopedology), edited by L.R. Follmer, D.L. Johnson and J.A. Catt, Quaternary International 51/52, 203-212. Retallack 1998 paleopedology
112. Retallack, G.J. 1998e. Adapting soil taxonomy for use with paleosols. In Revisitation of concepts in paleopedology (Transactions of the Second International Symposium on Paleopedology), edited by L.R. Follmer, D.L. Johnson and J.A. Catt, Quaternary International 51/52, 55-57. Retallack 1998 soil taxonomy
111. Retallack, G.J. 1998d. Big tough Ediacarans. GSA Today 8(7), 14-15. Retallack 1998 Ediacarans
110. Retallack, G.J. 1998c. Fossil soils and completeness of the rock and fossil record. In S.K. Donovan and C.R.C. Paul (editors), The adequacy of the fossil record. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 131-162. Retallack 1998 completeness of record
109. Retallack, G.J., 1998b, Paleosols and Devonian forests. Science 279, 147. Retallack 1998 Devonian forest comment
108. Retallack, G.J., 1998a, Life, love and soil. Nature 391, 12. Retallack 1998 life love soil
107. Retallack, G.J., Robinson, S.E. and Krull, E.S. 1997. Middle Devonian paleosols and vegetation of the Lashly Mountains, Antarctica. U.S. Antarctic Journal 30(5), 62-65. Retallack et al. 1997 paleosols of Lashly Mountains
106. Retallack, G.J., Krull, E.S. and Robinson, S.E. 1997. Permian and Triassic paleosols and paleoenvironments of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. U.S. Antarctic Journal 30(5), 33-36. Retallack et al. 1997 paleosols of Victoria Land
105. Retallack, G.J. and Holser, W.T. 1997. Timing of Permian-Triassic anoxia. Science 277, 1748. Retallack 1997 Permian-Triassic anoxia
104. Retallack, G.J. 1997g. Compaction of Devonian lycopsid stems from the Beacon Heights Orthoquartzite, southern Victoria Land. U.S. Antarctic Journal 30(5), 42-44. Retallack 1997 Devonian lycopsids Antarctica
103. Retallack, G.J. 1997f. Permian and Triassic driftwood from the Allan Hills, Antarctica. U.S. Antarctic Journal 30(5), 37-39. REtalalck 1997 Antarctic driftwood
102. Retallack, G.J. 1997e. Dinosaurs and dirt. In D.L. Wolberg, E. Stump and G.D. Rosenberg (editors), Dinofest International, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 345-359. Retallack 1997 dinosaurs and dirt
101. Retallack, G.J. 1997d. Neogene expansion of the North American prairie. Palaios, 12, 380-390. Retalalck 1997 North America prairie
100. Retallack, G.J. 1997c. Earliest Triassic origin of Isoetes and quillwort evolutionary radiation. Journal of Paleontology 71, 500-521. Retallack 1997 Triassic Isoetes
99. Retallack, G.J. 1997b. Early forest soils and their role in Devonian global change. Science 276, 583-585. Retallack 1997 Devonian forests
98. Retallack, G.J. 1997a. Palaeosols in the upper Narrabeen Group of New South Wales as evidence of Early Triassic palaeoenvironments without exact modern analogues. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 44, 185-201. Retallack 1997 Triassic paleosols revisited
97. Bestland, E.A., Retallack, G.J. and Swisher, C.C. 1997. Stepwise climate change recorded in Eocene-Oligocene paleosol sequences from central Oregon. Journal of Geology, 105, 153-172. Bestland et al. 1997 Oligocene climate
96. Retallack, G.J., Veevers, J.J., and Morante, R., 1996. Global early Triassic coal gap between Late Permian extinction and Middle Triassic recovery of peat-forming plants. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 108, 195-207. Retallack et al. 1996 global coal gap
95. Retallack, G.J., Bestland, E.A. and Fremd, T.J. 1996. Reconstructions of Eocene and Oligocene plants and animals of central Oregon. Oregon Geology 58(3), 51-69. Retallack et al. 1996 Oregon plant and animal reconstructions
94. Retallack, G.J. and Archibald, J.D. 1996. Acid trauma at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary in eastern Montana: comment and reply. GSA Today 6(10), 21. Retallack and Archibald 1996 end-Cretaceous acid rain
93. Retallack, G.J. 1996d. Early Triassic therapsid footprints from the Sydney Basin, Australia. Alcheringa 20, 301-314. Retallack 1996 Early Triassic footprints
92. Retallack, G.J. 1996c. Paleosols: record and engine of past global change. Geotimes 41(6), 25-28. Retallack 1996 engines of global change
91. Retallack, G.J. 1996b. Acid trauma at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in eastern Montana. GSA Today 6(5), 1-5. Retallack 1996 end-Cretaceous acid rain
90. Retallack, G.J., 1996a. An early Triassic fossil flora from Culvida Soak, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 78, 57-66. Retallack 1996 Western Australi Triassic flora
89. Alonso Zarza, A.M. and Retallack, G.J., 1996. Estudio preliminar de paleosuelos triásicos en la Antártida. Implicaciones para las reconstruciones paleoclimáticas. Geogaceta (Comunicaciones IV Congreso geológico de España) 20(2), 259-261. Alonso Zarza and Retallack 1996 Antarctic paleosols
88. Bestland, E.A., Retallack, G.J., Rice, A,E, and Mindszenty, A., 1996. Late Eocene detrital laterites in central Oregon: mass balance geochemistry, depositional setting and landscape evolution. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 108, 285-302. Bestland et al. 1996 Oregon laterite
87. Tate, T.M. and Retallack, G.J., 1995. Thin sections of paleosols. Journal of Sedimentary Research A65, 579-580. Tate and Retallack 1995 thin sections of paleosols
86. Bestland, E.A., Thackray, G.D., and Retallack, G.J., 1995, Cycles of doming and eruption of Kisingiri Volcano, Kenya.Journal of Geology 103, 598-607. Bestland et al. 1995 Kisingiri eruptions
85. Retallack, G.J. and Mindszenty, A., 1995. Well preserved late Precambrian paleosols from northwest Scotland – reply. Journal of Sedimentary Research A65, 445. REtallack and Mindszenty 1995 Scotland paleosol reply
84. Retallack, G.J., Bestland, E.A. and Dugas, D.P., 1995. Miocene paleosols and habitats of Proconsul in Rusinga Island, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution 29, 53-91. Retallack et al. 1995 Rusinga Island Miocene
83. Retallack, G.J., 1995d. Paleosols of the Siwalik Group as a 15 Ma record of South Asian paleoclimate. In S. Wadia, R. Korisettar and V.S. Kale (editors), Quaternary environments and geoarchaeology of India: essays in honour of S.N. Rajaguru. Memoir of the Geological Survey of India 32, 36-51. Retallack 1995 Swalik paleosols
82. Retallack, G.J., 1995c. Were the Ediacaran fossils lichens? – reply. Paleobiology 20, 523-544. Retallack 1995 Ediacaran lichens reply
81. Retallack, G.J., 1995b. Pennsylvanian vegetation and soils. In B. Cecil and T. Edgar (editors), Predictive stratigraphic analysis. Bulletin of the U.S. Geological Survey, 2110, 13-19. Retallack 1995 Pennsylvanian paleosols
80. Retallack, G.J., 1995a. Permian-Triassic life crisis on land. Science, 267, 77-80. Retallack 1995 Permian-Triassic crisis on land
79. Bestland, E.A., Retallack, G.J. and Fremd, T. 1995. Geology of the Late Eocene Clarno Unit, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, central Oregon. In Santucci, V.L. and McClelland, L. (eds.), National Park Service Paleontological Research. Technical Report NPS/NRPO/NTR 95/16, 66-72. Bestland et al. 1995 Clarno geology
78. Retallack, G.J. and Mindszenty, A., 1994. Well preserved Late Precambrian paleosols from northwest Scotland. Journal of Sedimentary Research, A64, 264-281. REtallack and Mindszenty 1994 Proterozoic paleosol
77. Retallack, G.J. and Germán-Heins, J., 1994. Evidence from paleosols for the geological antiquity of rain forest. Science, 265, 499-502. Retallack and German-Heins 1994 Pennsylvanian rain forest
76. Bestland, E.A., Retallack, G.J. and Fremd, T.J., 1994. Sequence stratigraphy of the Eocene-Oligocene transition: examples from the non-marine volcanically-influenced John Day Basin. In D.A. Swanson and R.A. Haugerud (editors), Geologic field trips in the Pacific Northwest, 1, A1-A19. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle. Bestland et al. 1994 John Day field guide
75. Retallack, G.J., 1994c. A pedotype approach to latest Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary paleosols in eastern Montana. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 106, 1377-1397.Retallack 1994 Cretaceous-Tertiary pedotypes
74. Retallack, G.J., 1994b. Were the Ediacaran fossils lichens? Paleobiology, 20, 523-544. Retallack 1994 Ediacaran lichens
73. Retallack, G.J., 1994a. The environmental factor approach to the interpretation of paleosols. In R.Amundson, J. Harden and M. Singer (editors), Factors in soil formation – a fiftieth anniversary perspective. Special Publication of the Soil Science Society of America, Madison, 33, 31-64. Retallack 1994 Bk depth
72. Retallack, G.J., Renne, P.R. and Kimbrough, D.L., 1993. New radiometric ages for Triassic floras of southeast Gondwana. In S.G. Lucas and M. Morales (editors), The nonmarine Triassic. Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 3, 415-418. Retallack et al. 1993 Triassic dating
71. Retallack, G.J. and Krinsley, D.H., 1993. Metamorphic alteration of a Precambrian (2.2Ga) paleosol from South Africa revealed by back-scatter imaging. Precambrian Research, 63, 27-41. Retallack and Krinsley 1993 Waterval Onder paleosol
70. Retallack, G.J., 1993c. Fossils are for everyone. Newsweek, 121, 8. Retallack 1993 Newsweek My Turn
69. Retallack, G.J., 1993b. Late Ordovician paleosols of the Juniata Formation near Potters Mills, Pennsylvania. In S.G. Driese (editor), Paleosols, paleoclim ate and paleoatmospheric CO2: Paleozoic paleosols of Pennsylvania. University of Tennessee, Department of Geological Sciences, Studies in Geology 22, 33-49.Retallack 1993 Potters Mills Ordovician paleosols
68. Retallack, G.J., 1993a. Classification of paleosols: discussion. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 105, 1635-1637. Retallack 1993 paleosol classification
67. Dugas, D.P. and Retallack, G.J., 1993. Middle Miocene fossil grasses from Fort Ternan, Kenya. Journal of Paleontology, 67, 113-128. Dugas and Retalalck 1993 Fort Ternan Miocene grasses
66. Bestland, E.A. and Retallack, G.J., 1993. Volcanically influenced calcareous paleosols from the Kiahera Formation, Rusinga Island, Kenya. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 150, 293-310. Bestland and Retallack 1993 Kiahera Miocene paleosols
65. Radosevich, S.C., Retallack, G.J. and Taieb, M., 1992. A reassessment of the paleoenvironment and preservation of hominid fossils from Hadar, Ethiopia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 87, 15-27. Radosevich et al. 1992 Hadar first family
64. Retallack, G.J., 1992f. What to call early plant formations on land. Palaios, 7, 508-520. Retallack 1992 early plants on land
63. Retallack, G.J., 1992e. Middle Miocene fossil plants from Fort Ternan (Kenya) and evolution of African grasslands. Paleobiology, 18, 383-400. Retallack 1992 Kenyan Miocene grasslands
62. Retallack, G.J. 1992d. Comment on the paleoenvironment of Kenyapithecus at Fort Ternan. Journal of Human Evolution, 23, 363-369. Retallack 1992 Fort Ternan comment
61. Retallack, G.J. 1992c. Paleosols and changes in climate and vegetation across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. In D.R. Prothero and W.A. Berggren (editors), Eocene-Oligocene climatic and biotic evolution, Princeton University Press, 383-398. Retallack 1992 Eocene-Oligocene climate
60. Retallack, G.J., 1992b. How to find a Precambrian paleosol. In, M. Schidlowski, S. Golubic, M.M. Kimberley, D.M. McKirdy and P.A. Trudinger (editors), Early Organic Evolution and Mineral and Energy Resources. Springer, Berlin, 16-30. Retallack 1992 Precambrian paleosols
59. Retallack, G.J., 1992a. Paleozoic paleosols. In, Martini, P. (editor), Weathering, soil and paleosols. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 543-564.Retallack 1992 Paleozoic paleosols
58. Getahun, A., and Retallack, G.J., 1991, Early Oligocene paleoenvironment of a paleosol from the lower part of the John Day Formation near Clarno, Oregon. Oregon Geology, 53, 131-136. Getahun and Retallack 1991 Oligocene paleosol Oregon
57. Retallack, G.J., 1991d. A field guide to mid-Tertiary paleosols and paleoclimatic changes in the high desert of central Oregon – Part 2. Oregon Geology, 53, 75-80. Retallack 1991 John Day field guide 2
56. Retallack, G.J., 1991c. A field guide to mid-Tertiary paleosols and paleoclimatic changes in the high desert of central Oregon – Part 1. Oregon Geology, 53, 51-59. Retallack 1991 John day field guide 1
55. Retallack, G.J., 1991b. The early evolution of plant life of southwestern Australia: comment. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 73, 77-78. Retallack 1991 Western Australia Triassic plants
54. Retallack, G.J., 1991a. Untangling the effects of burial alteration and ancient soil formation. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 19, 183-206. Retallack 1991 burial alteration paleosols
53. Retallack, G.J. and Wright, V.P., 1990. Micromorphology of lithified paleosols. In, Douglas, L.A. (editor), Soil micromorphology: a basic and applied science. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 641-652. Retallack and Wright 1990 paleosol micromorphology
52. Retallack, G.J., 1990. The work of dung beetles and its fossil record. In, Boucot, A.J. (author), Evolutionary paleobiology of behavior and coevolution. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 214-226.Retallack 1990 dung beetles
51. Retallack, G.J., Dugas, D.P. and Bestland, A.E., 1990. Fossil soils and grasses of the earliest East African grasslands. Science, 247, 1325-1328. Retallack et al. 1990 Kenya Miocene soils and grasses
50. Retallack, G.J., 1989. Paleosols and their relevance to Precambrian atmospheric composition: comment. Journal of Geology, 97, 763-764. Retallack 1989 Precambrian paleosol discussion
49. Feakes, C.R. and Retallack, G.J., 1988. Recognition and characterization of fossil soils developed on alluvium: a Late Ordovician example. In Reinhardt, J. and Sigleo, W.R. (editors) Paleosols and weathering through geological time: principles and applications. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, 216, 35-48.Feakes and Retallack 1988 Ordovician paleosol
48. Retallack, G.J. and McDowell, P., 1988. Report on a Penrose Conference on paleoenvironmental interpretation of paleosols. Geology, 16, 375-376. Retallack and McDowell Penrose Conference report
47. Retallack, G.J. and Dilcher, D.L., 1988. Reconstructions of selected seed ferns. Annals of the Missouri Garden, 75, 1010-1057. Retallack and Dilcher 1988 seed ferns
46. Retallack, G.J., 1988b. Down to earth approaches to vertebrate paleontology. Palaios, 3, 335-344. Retallack 1988 paleosols and vertebrates
45. Retallack, G.J., 1988a. Field recognition of paleosols. In, Reinhardt, J. and Sigleo, W.R. (editors), Paleosols and weathering through geologic time: principles and applications. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, 216, 1-20.Retallack 1988 field recognition paleosols
44. Retallack, G.J., Leahy, G.D. and Spoon, M.D., 1987. Evidence from paleosols for ecosystem changes across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in eastern Montana. Geology, 15, 1090-1093. Retallack et al. 1987 Cretaceous-Tertiary ecosystem changes
43. Retallack, G.J. and Spoon, M.D., 1987. Ecosystem changes across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in eastern Montana. In, Currie, P.M. and Koster, E.H. (editors), Short Papers of the 4th International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems, 193-198. Retallack and Spoon 1987 Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
42. Retallack, G.J. and Feakes, C.R., 1987. Trace fossil evidence for Late Ordovician animals on land. Science, 235, 61-63. Retallack and Feakes 1987 Ordovician animals on land
41. Retallack, G.J., 1987a. Triassic vegetation and geography of the New Zealand portion of the Gondwana supercontinent. In, Elliot, D.H., Collinson, J.W., McKenzie, G.D. and Haban, S.M. (editors), Gondwana Six; stratigraphy and paleontology. American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph, 41, 29-39. Retallack 1987 New Zealand Triassic vegetation
40. Retallack, G.J. and Leahy, G.D., 1986. Cretaceous-Tertiary dinosaur extinction. Science, 2344, 1161. Retallack and Leahy 1986 Cretaceous-Tertiary extinctions
39. Retallack, G.J. and Dilcher, D.L. 1986. Cretaceous angiosperm invasion of North America. Cretaceous Research, 7, 227-252. Retallack and Dilcher 1986 Cretaceous angiosperm invasion
38. Retallack, G.J., 1986d. The fossil record of soils. In, Wright, P.V. (editor), Paleosols: their recognition and interpretation. Blackwells, Oxford, 1-57. Retallack 1986 fossil record of soils
37. Retallack, G.J., 1986c. Reappraisal of a 2200 Ma-old paleosol from near Waterval Onder, South Africa. Precambrian Research, 32, 195-232. Retallack 1986 Paleoproterozoic paleosol
36. Retallack, G.J., 1986b. Editors preface to special issue on Precambrian paleopedology. Precambrian Research, 32, 95-96. Retallack 1986 Precambrian paleosols
35. Retallack, G.J., 1986a. Fossil soils as grounds for interpreting long term controls on ancient rivers. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 56, 1-18. Retallack 1986 paleosols and rivers
34. Leahy, G.D., Spoon, M.D. and Retallack, G.J., 1985. Linking impacts and plant extinctions. Nature, 318, 318. Leahy et al. 1985 impacts and extinctions
33. Retallack, G.J., 1985c. An excursion guide to fossil soils of the mid-Tertiary sequence in Badlands National Park, South Dakota. In Martin, J.E., ed., Fossiliferous Cenozoic deposits of western South Dakota and northwestern Nebraska, Dakoterra, 2 (2), 277-301. Retallack 1985 Badlands field guide
32. Retallack, G.J., 1985b. Triassic fossil plant fragments from shallow marine rocks of the Murihiku Supergroup, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 15, 1-26. Retallack 1985 Murihiku Triassic plants
31. Retallack, G.J., 1985a. Fossil soils as grounds for interpreting the advent of large plants and animals on land. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B309, 105-142. Retallack 1985 Paleozoic paleosols
30. Retallack, G.J., Grandstaff, D. and Kimberley, M., 1984. The promise and problems of Precambrian paleosols, Episodes, 7, 8-12. Retallack et al. 1984 Precambrian paleosols
29. Retallack, G.J., 1984d. Middle Triassic estuarine deposits near Benmore Dam, southern Canterbury and northern Otago, New Zealand: Reply. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 14, 287-288.Retallack 1983 Benmore geology New Zealand
28. Retallack, G.J., 1984c. Origin of the Torlesse terrane and coeval rocks, South Island, New Zealand: Discussion. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 95, 980-982. Retallack 1984 Torlesse comment
27. Retallack, G.J., 1984b. Trace fossils of burrowing beetles and bees in an Oligocene paleosol, Badlands National Park, South Dakota. Journal of Paleontology, 58, 571-592. Retallack 1984 Oligocene dung beetles and sweat bees
26. Retallack, G.J., 1984a. Completeness of the rock and fossil record: some estimates using fossil soils. Paleobiology, 10, 59-78. Retallack 1984 completeness
25. Retallack, G.J., 1983d. Paleopedology comes down to earth. Journal of Geological Education, 31, 390-392. Retallack 1983 paleopedology
24. Retallack, G.J., 1983c. Middle Triassic megafossil algae and land plants from near Benmore Dam, northern Otago, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 13, 129-154. Retallack 1983 Benmore Dam Triassic plants
23. Retallack, G.J., 1983b. Middle Triassic estuarine deposits near Benmore Dam, southern Canterbury and northern Otago, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 13, 107-127. Retallack 1983 Benmore Dam geology
22. Retallack, G.J., 1983a. A paleopedological approach to the interpretation of terrestrial sedimentary rocks: the mid-Tertiary fossil soils of Badlands National Park, South Dakota. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 94, 823-840. Retallack 1983 Badlands paleosols
21. Retallack, G.J. and Ryburn, R.J., 1982. Middle Triassic deltaic deposits in Long Gully, near Otematata, north Otago, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 12, 207-227. Retallack and Ryburn 1982 Long Gully geology
20. Retallack, G.J., 1982. Paleopedological perspectives on the development of grasslands during the Tertiary. Third North American Paleontological Convention Proceedings, 2, 417-421. REtallack 1992 Cenozoic grasslands
19. Retallack, G.J. and Dilcher, D.L., 1981c. Early angiosperm reproduction: Prisca reynoldsii gen. et sp. nov. from mid-Cretaceous coastal deposits in Kansas, U.S.A. Palaeontographica, B 179, 103-137. Retallack and Dilcher 1981 Prisca
18. Retallack, G.J. and Dilcher, D.L., 1981b. Arguments for a glossopterid ancestry of angiosperms. Paleobiology, 7, 54-67. Retallack and Dilcher 1981 glossopterid ancestry for angiosperms
17. Retallack, G.J. and Dilcher, D.L., 1981a. A coastal hypothesis for the dispersal and rise to dominance of flowering plants. In K.J. Niklas, Editor, Paleobotany, Paleoecology, and Evolution, v. 1. Praeger, New York, 22-77.Retallack and Dilcher 1981 angiosperm coastal hypothesis
16. Retallack, G.J., 1981e. Fossil soils – indicators of ancient terrestrial environments. In, K.J. Niklas, Editor, Paleobotany, Paleoecology, and Evolution. Praeger, New York, 55-102.Retallack 1981 fossi soil review
15. Retallack, G.J., 1981d. Preliminary observations on fossil soils in the Clarno Formation (Eocene to Early Oligocene), near Clarno, Oregon. Oregon Geology, 43, 147-150. Retallack 1981 Clarno paleosols
14. Retallack, G.J., 1981c. Middle Triassic megafossil plants from Long Gully, near Otematata, north Otago, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 11, 167-200.Retallack 1981 Long Gully Triassic plants New Zealandl
13. Retallack, G.J., 1981b. Two new approaches for reconstructing fossil vegetation: with examples from the Triassic of eastern Australia. In, J. Gray and A.J. Boucot, Editors, Communities of the Past. Hutchinson Ross Company: Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 271-295. Retallack 1981 reconstructing Triassic vegetation
12. Retallack, G.J., 1981a. Comment on “Reinterpretation of the depositional environment of the Yellow-stone ‘fossil forests’” by W.J. Fritz. Geology, 9, 52-53. Retallack 1981 Yellowstone Eocene paleosols
11. Retallack, G.J., 1980b. Late Carboniferous to Middle Triassic megafossil floras from the Sydney Basin. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, 26, 384-430. Retallack 1980 Sydney fossil plants
10. Retallack, G.J., 1980a. Middle Triassic megafossil plants and trace fossils from Tank Gully, Canterbury, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 10, 31-63. Retallack 1980 Tank Gully Triassic plants
9. Retallack, G.J., 1979. Middle Triassic coastal outwash plain deposits in Tank Gully, Canterbury, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 9, 397-414. Retallack 1979 Tank GUlly Triassic geology
8. Retallack, G.J., 1978b. The Nymboida valley – 200 million years ago. Armidale and District Historical Society Journal, 21, 1-4. Retallack 1978 Nymboida geology
7. Retallack, G.J., 1978a. Floral ecostratigraphy in practice. Lethaia, 11, 81-83. Retallack 1978 ecostratigraphy
6. Bourke, D.J., Gould, R.E., Helby, R.J., Morgan, R. and Retallack, G.J., 1977. Floral evidence for a Middle Triassic age of the Gunnee Beds and Gragin conglomerate near Delungra, N.S.W. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 110, 33-40. Bourke et al. 1977 Triassic Delungra flora
5. Retallack, G.J., Gould, R.E. and Runnegar, B., 1977. Isotopic dating of a Middle Triassic megafossil flora from near Nymboida, northeastern New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales, 101, 77-113.Retallack et al. 1977 Cloughers Creek flora
4. Retallack, G.J., 1977c. Reconstructing Triassic vegetation of eastern Australasia: a new approach for the biostratigraphy of Gondwanaland. Alcheringa, 1, 253-283. Retallack 1977 Triassic vegetation
3. Retallack, G.J., 1977b. Triassic palaeosols in the upper Narrabeen Group of New South Wales. Part II: Classification and reconstruction. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 24, 19-35. Retallack 1977 Triassic paleosols 2
2. Retallack, G.J., 1977a. Triassic palaeosols in the upper Narrabeen Group of New South Wales. Part I: Features of the palaeosols. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 23, 383-399. Retallack 1977 Triassic paleosols 1
1. Retallack, G.J., 1975. The life and times of a Triassic lycopod. Alcheringa, 1, 3-29. Retallack 1995 Pleuromeia