Amate Paintings and Cut-Paper Figurines from Amate
High School / Middle School Art
- Modern amate paintings are descendants of pre-Columbian and colonial codices.
- Stephanie Wood and Yasmin Acosta-Myers, “Amate Painting Interactive: An Artistic Rendering of Community Life in a Nahua Community in the State of Guerrero.”
- Click here to play with the Interactive Amate Painting (watch for loading time)
- Click here for the explanation of the process (PhotoShop and Flash)
Amatero: Luis Domínguez
- Other Resources
- Secular and Sacred Aspects,
- Amate and Otomí Religious Use,
- More Otomí “charms” and a video about amatl paper making
- San Pablito, Otomí community in Puebla state, and cut-paper figures; scroll down until you spot the blue cut figure
- Amate Paper Making,
- Amate Painting Pioneer, Cristino Flores Medina,
- Curricula — amate paintings (not from our institutes)
- A Pinterest page on Mexican bark painting projects
- A fourth-grade amate painting lesson by teacher Patty Palmer, 2010 (not part of the NEH Summer Institute)
- Another photo of Patty’s students’ projects
- And another bark-paper painting lesson from an elementary-school art teacher (“Katie”), posted to a blog, in 2011
- A high-school art lesson in amate painting, by Grace Hall, n.d.
- Mexicolore’s amate painting results, students in the U.K.
- Curricula — amate cut-paper figures (not from our institutes)
- Another amate figure lesson, attributed to the Otomí culture
- An eighth-grade amate paper figure lesson by arts teacher Jana DiSimone
- Examples of Amate Paintings for Tourism
- Amate Painting Number Five.htm
- Amate Painting Number One.htm
- Amate Painting Number Two.htm