- Shorts by Gabriela Martínez
Clips / Teachers’ Footage
- Clips by Nicole Caracciolo (all from San Marcos Tlapazola)
- Clip by Elise Weisenbach
- Luis Domínguez, amatero, speaking in Nahuatl and Spanish about his painting (the audio is a little fuzzy; on YouTube)
- Scenes from Virtual Oaxaca (an experiment in creating a virtual or game-like representation of the spaces we came to know in Oaxaca; this was its earliest form; footage captured by Jonathon Richter, 2010)
Additional Video Links
- INAHTV — lessons possibly useful for teaching about pre-Columbian and colonial cultures; from the television channel of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History)
- Cuevas Prehistóricas en Oaxaca (about the caves with evidence of ancient human activity) (1′ 56″)
- Sala Culturas de Oaxaca, Museo Nacional de Antropología (2′ 27″)
- Museo de las Culturas, Oaxaca (1′ 35″)
- Danza del viento y la lluvia (Santa Cruz Mitlatongo, Mixteca region)
- El baile del viento y la lluvia [about the making of the documentary] (Santa Cruz Mitlatongo, Mixteca region) (2′ 46″)
- Ruta de los Conventos Agustinos (3′ 01″)
- Códices — material possibly useful for lessons on manuscripts (YouTube)
- Códices (2″50′ Spanish; an overview of mss in the Museo Nacional de Antropología)
- ¿Qué son los códices? (3″22′ Spanish; INAH)
- ¿Cómo se hacían los códices? (2′50″ Spanish; about paper, pigments, etc.; INAH)
- Códice Mixteco Nuttall: Animales Prehispánicos (3′ 34″ no narration; drawings are re-created from the codex; not labeled)
- Códice Florentino [Book 12, The Conquest] (5′11″ images with text in Spanish)
- Amoxtli “Libro de Anahuac,” “Codices de Anahuac” (3′ 06″ Spanish)
- Animations & 3-D of Mesoamerica (YouTube)
- Codex: The Legend of Quetzalcoatl (animation; no verbal narrative, 2003; by Frank Floyd; a university project)
- Centro Cultural Santo Domingo de Guzmán en 3-D (INAHTV, 42″)
- Oaxacan Foods (YouTube)
- MAMAZ (Mujeres, Artistas, y el Maíz)
- Casa de la Mujer
- Smithsonian Videos (Folklife Festival, 2010: Mexico; on YouTube)