
“Mesoamerican Cultures and their Histories:
Spotlight on Oaxaca!”

Oaxaca, Mexico

“Backstreets of Oaxaca,”
a pastel by Pearl Lau, NEH Summer Scholar, 2010.

  • SADLY, NEH has cancelled all funding for seminars and institutes outside the U.S., so we will not be holding our institute in Oaxaca again unless that decision is reversed and we can apply once again for funding.  If you have the inclination, please write to your representatives in Congress to ask that NEH programs abroad be reinstated.
  • FREE CURRICULA:  please look at our navigation bar on the right to find the free curricula created by our previous NEH Summer Scholars. They share this for other teachers who might be interested in teaching any of this material.  If you find something you like, feel free to tweak it to meet your classroom needs.  Please mention to your students the source of the curriculum you are borrowing.
  • Curriculum Design Help:  We are continuing to offer and expand the materials were have been assembling to assist with the new development of curriculum on a variety of topics.  Please see our navigation bar on the right to access these materials.
  • Readings:  Some of our curricula (demonstration PowerPoints, etc.) and additional design help are filed under our Readings page.  If you wish to access this, please write the Director for the password.
  • Please also look for — and “like”–  our page on Facebook, where we continue to share content of interest for anyone who has an interest in Mesoamerica:  “NEH Oaxaca: Mesoamerican Cultures and their Histories
  • Oaxaca Events Calendar (not one of our web pages, but helpful or knowing “what’s on”) in case you decide to go to Oaxaca on your own.
  • Concerned about safety issues? Here’s an interesting, recent article on travel in Mexico, weighing perceived realities vs. the media hype. For more of this type of reading, see:
  • If you anticipate a visit to Oaxaca on your own, you might also check out Margie Barclay’s Oaxaca Calendar (in English) or TripAdvisor’s 30 things to do in Oaxaca (where you actually see 49 or more things to do!).
  • This is our old promotional video (click here to see it on YouTube)

    Four-minute video about our program. Click here.

    Four-minute video about our program. Click here.

  • For more art work by Pearl Lau (which you are free to incorporate into your lessons if you wish, as long as you credit her), go to:

To contact us now, please email: Stephanie Wood [swood AT uoregon DOT edu].

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


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