5/13/24 Parking Lots 10 and 12A Safety Exclusion Zone Closure Advisory

This work has been completed as of 10:30 am.  The contractor has left, and all areas have been returned to normal service status per EHS and Transportation Services.


Begin:  Monday, May 13, 2024, at 7:00 am

End:      Monday, May 13, 2024, at 3:00 pm

Building(s) or Area(s) Affected: Parking Lot 10, West portion of Parking Lot 12A, Adjacent sidewalks, East entrance to Lawrence Hall, North Entrances to Onyx Bridge and Cascade Annex East and West.

Scope: Clean Harbors, a contractor for Environmental Health and Safety, will be stabilizing a highly reactive material in preparation for disposal. The contractors’ work will occur within a 50-foot radius area in the west portion of Parking Lot 12A. The immediately adjacent area will be controlled as a safety exclusion zone by 7:00 am and is scheduled to be re-opened by 3:00 pm (see scale diagram below). Environmental Health and Safety staff will be on site for the activity, with UOPD staff available on-call. UO staff will control access along the sidewalk between Pacific and Cascade Halls while material is moved to the work site, ~8:00-9:00 am; this includes adjacent building and exterior pathway access points. Emergency egress from adjacent buildings will remain available, as will fire lane access for emergency response vehicles, but entry into the safety exclusion zone by non-emergency vehicles or pedestrians will be prohibited. Temporary vehicle barriers will be positioned across the affected area of Lot 12A and the connecting fire lanes. Temporary pedestrian barriers will be positioned across affected areas adjacent to the safety exclusion zones during the material movement phase.

Services Impacted:

  • Vehicle parking Lot 10 and a portion of Lot 12A will be unavailable, including several ADA spaces. Please contact transportation@uoregon.edu for temporary ADA accommodations.
  • All non-emergency vehicle traffic will be excluded.
  • Traffic signage will be posted on site.
  • Vendor deliveries will be re-directed to the Klamath and Streisinger loading docks.
  • Pedestrian traffic will be directed around the safety exclusion zone. The Stabilization Activity Exclusion Zone will be closed and staffed until Clean Harbors leaves the site. The Transport Activity Exclusion Zone will be closed and staffed ~8:00-9:00 am.
  • North entrance access to Cascade Annex East and West will be escorted.

Special Instructions: Refer to the attached diagram for details visualized.

Work Performed By: Environmental Health and Safety, and waste disposal contractor Clean Harbors.

Contact: Ben Bythell, Chemical Safety Officer/Hazardous Materials Manager, 541-346-0371

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Image of map for Lot 10 and 12A related to the EHS Material Stabilization Operation - May 13 2024