Advisors for the online Nahuatl Dictionary
- Una Canger, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, University of Copenhagen
- Susan Guion, Professor of Linguistics, University of Oregon
- Frances Karttunen, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, University of Texas
- James Lockhart, Professor Emeritus of History, UCLA
Advisors for the Mapas Project
- Robert Haskett, Professor of History, University of Oregon
- Dana Leibsohn, Professor of Art History, Smith College
- James Lockhart, Professor Emeritus of History, UCLA
Advisors for the Virtual Mesoamerican Archive
- Manuel Aguilar, Associate Professor of Art History, California State University, Los Angeles
- Dana Leibsohn, Professor of Art History, Smith College
- Michael Smith, Professor of Anthropology, Arizona State University
- María del Pilar Isabel Máynez Vidal, Professor of Linguistics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
University of Oregon (under development)
- Carlos Aguirre
- Barbara Altmann
- Steve Durrant
- James Fox
- Regina Psaki
In addition to project specific advisory groups, the Wired Humanities Projects, currently located with the College of Arts and Sciences, have a multi-disciplinary board of advisers with whom the Director consults regarding project development, resource identification, and other matters that assure its continued presence at the University of Oregon.