The following are resources that we have located that could be useful for those wishing to teach about pictorial Mesoamerican manuscripts (códices, mapas, lienzos, etc.):
- Códices (2″50′ Spanish; an overview of mss in the Museo Nacional de Antropología)
- ¿Qué son los códices? (3″22′ Spanish; INAH)
- ¿Cómo se hacían los códices? (2′50″ Spanish; about paper, pigments, etc.; INAH)
- Códice Mixteco Nuttall: Animales Prehispánicos (3′ 34″ no narration; drawings are re-created from the codex; not labeled)
- Códice Florentino [Book 12, The Conquest] (5′11″ images with text in Spanish)
- Amoxtli “Libro de Anahuac,” “Codices de Anahuac” (3′ 06″ Spanish)