Here we provide links to images that, according to Google, are labeled for reuse.
We are also sorting images by motif and by medium, anticipating student analysis.
- Anonymous Bodies/Faces/Bones
- Blindfolds
- Burial Vaults (e.g. Juan Manuel Echavarría, Colombia)
- Empty Chairs (e.g. Luis González Palma, Guatemala)
- Graffiti and Stencils
- Mexico, “Dónde van los desaparecidos?“
- “One Million Bones” Project
- Outlines on Pavements
- Sculpture/Shapes
- Argentina, “Homenaje a los desaparecidos” sculpture
- Architectural Memorials
- Glass Walls
- Uruguay, “Memorial of Disappeared Detainees“
- Metal Monument
- Argentina, “Monumento a los Desaparecidos“
- Structural Posts
- Glass Walls
- Crosses
- Face/Photos of the Disappeared
- Argentina, Pirámide de Mayo (not restricted usage)
- Argentina, street presence
- Chile, Faces from 1973, exhibition
- Gendered Performances
- Argentina, Madres de Plaza de Mayo, 2006
- Murals
- Chile
- Skeletons
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