For those wishing to establish a digital humanities center, we would like to share some of the resources that we find helpful. Please follow the links below to some of the more recent compilations that might offer some assistance.
Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries, Purdue University e-pub, 2016, by John W. White and Heather Gilbert
ALA Connect: Digital Scholarship Centers Interest Group blog (current)
Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography (by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.)
Call for Contributions: Teaching Digital Humanities (U. of Western Australia)
2010 Horizon Report (New Media Consortium)
Digital Humanities 2010 international meeting
THATcamp London 2010 (one of The Humanities and Technology Camps, Center for New Media and History, George Mason University)
User Experience in Digital Knowledge Environments Study (University of British Columbia, part of the Impelementing New Knowledge Environments, INKE, project)
EdTech Teacher (Tom Daccord and Justin Reich, Co-Directors)