Mesoamerican Cultures and their Histories: Spotlight on Oaxaca!
Click here for the full website devoted to the institute.
The next Institute that we are directing will be held in Oaxaca, Mexico, in the summer of 2014. It is aimed at schoolteachers (K-12) from around the United States who wish to increase or enhance Mesoamerican cultural and historical content in their curricula, with the end goal of increasing international understanding and appreciation for the heritage of the growing numbers of Hispanic students in our schools across the United States.
Directed by Stephanie Wood, this institute will have the involvement of faculty from the University of Oregon (Lynn Stephen, Gabriela Martínez, Robert Haskett, and Stephanie Wood) and Mexican colleagues (from such institutions as the Biblioteca Córdova, the Biblioteca Burgoa, and possibly the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social and the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia), with whom we hope to have increasing opportunities for collaborative research.
Major funding for this Institute has been provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Space for the Institute will be provided by the Biblioteca Córdova at a reduced rate, in a gesture of co-sponsorship and international cooperation. Please go to our separate website to find out more about the institute: