Language Teaching Studies Blog Site at the University of Oregon

Student Spotlight: Amira Ghazy


From the bustling streets of Alexandria to the cozy corners of Oregon, Amira was here!

Amira at the University of Oregon in Fall term 2022

Amira at the University of Oregon in Fall term 2022

Salam everyone!

My name is Amira Ghazy. I’m an international student at UO. Hailing from the enchanting city of Alexandria, Egypt, I’ve always been captivated by the beauty of nature and the rich tapestry of life’s experiences. Being immersed in nature, I developed a deep appreciation for various forms of expression, from teaching, acting and literature to cinema, singing and even cooking!

My Language Journey

My language passion blossomed from the love of cinema and theatre. Delving into the world of cinema, I acquired English and Hindi at a young age. The love for languages led me to pursue my undergraduate degree in English Language Arts and Education, where I found solace in the diverse voices and narratives of literature- voices with which I identified and sympathised.

Finding My Call in Teaching

Amira at the Fulbright FLTA Mid-year Conference in 2022

Amira at the Fulbright FLTA Mid-year Conference in 2022

My love for teaching was nurtured by my mother, with whom I took my first steps in the world of living and being. She has been an exceptional mentor, and a dear friend.

I must say that my family has guided my path of life with their unwavering love and whole-hearted support.

I came into the world of teaching in 2014, amidst the complexities of post-revolutionary Egypt.  In teaching, I found another form of expression, where I consciously pursued challenging ideologies in language teaching and discourse.

Immersed in the American and International General Certificate of Secondary Education systems, I sailed through the seas of diverse ideologies and worldviews. My teaching journey is characterized by profound connections- to learners, to places, to ideas and to feelings.

A Fulbright Journey to Oregon

As language teachers, we are in fact teachers of cultures. This thought has always made me ponder about the interconnectedness of language, culture and society. In pursuit of answers, I embarked on a transformative journey with the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship Program. Serving  as a cultural ambassador of Egypt, I had the privilege of teaching my native language, Arabic.

What a journey it was! The Fulbright experience ignited my passion for graduate studies and brought me to the University of Oregon, where I evolved under the guidance and support of inspiring mentors and scholars in the fields of Arabic and Linguistics.

Amira during Talking with the Ducks Class in Fall Term 2023

Amira during Talking with the Ducks Class in Fall Term 2023

Embracing the Journey

Amira and Halima during the Big Snow of 2024

Amira and Halima during the Big Snow of 2024

As both a teacher and a learner, I have come to the realization that the true essence of this journey lies in the connections we forge, with ourselves and others.

Being an international student is another highlight of the program. As international students, we face homesickness, tax madness, loneliness, and the -ness word list continues. However, I discovered that in the depth of cold days, our hearts could still pound with the warmth of adventures we have with our friends and loved ones.

A Look to the Future 

Life is full of surprises. I have not settled my heart on a place as I feel that the whole world is embracing me to take new roads, discover new paths, speak new languages and taste new food. I am certain that wherever my ship sails, I will be of purpose- committed to guiding and being guided in the ever-evolving world of teaching and learning. May it be Egypt, may it be elsewhere: that is a mystery to solve.

Beyond Language Teaching

I’m a foodie person- always down for a good meal and a meaningful conversation! Join me for a meal?

Koshary, an Egyptian dish, made with love by Amira

Koshary, an Egyptian dish, made with love by Amira

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