Lexicon #4 Week 5
- Distributed Cognition & Collaborative Intelligence
–> In Jenkins theory, distributed cognition means “the abilities to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capabilities”, collaborative intelligence means “the abilities to pool knowledges and compare notes with others toward a common goal. Using different resources can expand one’s mental capabilities, like use various online resources can help us accomplish our job. To my opinion, collaborative intelligence is more like teamwork, each individual who has their own special skill working together as a group towards the same goal or outcome.
- Informal Learning
–> Informal learning is another method to learn which is different with traditional education, also called formal learning. Informal learning do not need to be in the classroom, it can be outside/inside the classroom, pay more attention to feel, participate the environment, elements of culture around us. It’s a more innovative way compared with school learning (teacher-oriented study) . Both formal and informal learning should be paid attention to foster the new media literacy, cause informal learning is on the foundation of formal learning.
- White space
–> In page layout, illustration, whit space is always referred as a negative space, it’s a space left unmarked. However, in design, white space can be positive. The object in it can stand out with the use of white space. The contrast between non-white space and white space can built a aesthetic composition. So the balance between these two is extremely important, or it will become a negative thing.
- Focal Point
–> It refer to where your eyes are drawn to when you watching a picture, object or a design. It should be the most interesting, attractive and important part of the design. So if you are going to design a business card or a show poster, you may want the viewers notice the name or the date, place first, so you may put these information more stand out so they can become a focal point. If there are too many focal points, then it will become no focal point.
- Revolution
–> Revolution mean things become totally different from what it used to be. New media is a revolution for our life. In the past, we cannot imagine what our life will be like in the future because of technology. And change is still going on, we may cannot feel it changed because we are in it. But in the future, we look back or for the next generation, it will become another revolution.
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