1. I would like to learn more about some software such as Photoshop, Adobe, etc to help me be more comfortable in design.
  2. I would like to learn more about typography and fonts and make a right choice to make my design looks better.
  3. I would like to know more about marketing approaches, communication strategies, and creative tools.
  4. I want to be a good designer~

After this term, I can tell that I improve my skill about the programs mentioned above.

For goal 1, I get to know something about Adobe Illustrator, In Design and Photoshop from nothing and gain valuable knowledge and experiences on it. I can use the basic function of the software to design my logo and collateral. In this process, I had a lot of fun  and use some other source on the website to make creative PDF and slides. Also during the presentation process, I partly improved my English .

For goal 2, I know more about the importance of typography and font, and during my design, it was so interesting that different fonts can have totally different effect of the work, and I also found lots of beautiful font on the website and made it one part of my design, I think this is so funny!

For goal 3, I want to know more about marketing, but I failed, I just know a very little about that, I should read more to gain more information about that!

For goal 4, I think I’m a good designer~