4/5/17 Mac Court HVAC Preventative Maintenance

Building Occupants,

On Wednesday, April 5th, from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm, annual building preventative maintenance for Mac Court will be performed to service all air handling equipment, supply and exhaust fans.

Supply and exhaust air (including restrooms) may be intermittent throughout the day.

Work will be performed by CPFM’s Zone A.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Jim Cody, CPFM (Campus Planning and Facilities Management) Zone A Maintenance Manager at 346-2302.

3/28/17: SRC/North Esslinger Domestic Water Shutdown

Building Occupants:

On Tuesday, March 28th from 7:30 am to 10:00 am, the domestic water supply will be shut down to all fixtures in North Esslinger, Holliwell Lab, and to old shower rooms in the SRC (Student Rec Center).  Sinks, toilets, urinals, drinking fountains, lavatory faucets, and janitorial faucets will also be affected in this area.

Work will be performed by CPFM Zone A crew.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Jim Cody, CPFM (Campus Planning and Facilities Management) Zone A Maintenance Manager at 346-2302.

3/29/17: Knight Library Domestic Water Supply Shutdown (Canceled)

Note- The shutdown for tomorrow, March 29th has been canceled. Zone A maintenance crews were able to repair the issue without having to shutdown the water supply.


Building Occupants,

On Wednesday, March 29th, from 6:00am to 8:00am, the domestic water supply will be interrupted.  Isolation valves will be installed for the Special Collections / HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) trap primers.  Work will be performed by Apollo Mechanical.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Jana Gerow, CPFM (Campus Planning and Facilities Management) Design and Construction at 346-8317.


3/27/17: McKenzie Hall Hot and Cold Water Shutdown

Building Occupants,

On Monday, March 27th, 2017 McKenzie Hall will have a Hot and Cold Water Shutdown from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.  The work will be performed by contractors to provide hot and cold water piping to the new room #364.  Spring Break was selected to limit the impact to building occupants.

For questions or concerns about how this may affect your services contact Gene Mowery, CPFM Design and Construction at 346-5593 or gmowery@uoregon.edu

Update Regarding Klamath Shutdown Tomorrow February 25, 2017

New information regarding the Klamath shutdown tomorrow February 25, 2017, from 6:00 am – 6:00 pm.  This shutdown replaces a previously scheduled shutdown for March 4, 2017, due to scheduling conflicts with department events.


  • Onyx basement restrooms will not have water and will be closed for the day; signage will be placed as a reminder. No other impacts are expected in Onyx.
  • Price Commons will not have heat from approximately 6 a.m. to mid-afternoon. No other impacts are expected in Price Commons.
  • Klamath will have a building-wide water, condensate and heat shutdown. All restrooms will be closed; signage will be placed as a reminder.
  • There is also noisy construction planned tomorrow by the contractor on 2nd floor remodel. A previous message went out regarding this work. Denise Stewart is coordinating this work; Klamath 2nd Floor Noise Advisory Information

 For questions or concerns, please contact Jana Gerow at 541-346-8317.

We appreciate your patience while this outage was coordinated and building impact was determined by the Contractor, Zone B and Project Manager.





Building Occupants,

As part of the Klamath waterline project, our Contractor, Andersen Construction, has requested to schedule a building-wide water shutdown this coming Saturday, February 25, 2017, from 6:00 am – 6:00 pm that will affect all water services including domestic hot, cold and steam services.  Please note – we will NOT be shutting down the Fire Sprinkler system.  The Project Manager has confirmed the fire system is on a separate line.

Please let Jana Gerow as soon as possible if this date does not work for you or if it will affect your research activities. 

We apologize for the short notice. Our hope is not to delay the project.