Organization: ArtCity Eugene Questions
- What is your organization or company? Give background history including by whom, when, and why it was founded.
- ArtCity Eugene is a new local startup company that hopes to provide a community space for Eugene artists. The space will be for creating all forms of art, as well as a resource for the community to see who is making art and what is being made. Charly Swing is a founding member, with a background in art and knowledge of artist needs. She noticed artists are often solitary and don’t have a traditional “work community” the way most other people do.
- What do they do or make – describe the products and services and what makes them unique.
- ArtCity aims to connect artists to artists, artists to patrons, and artists to the community/tourists. Charly Swing hopes that they will be able to have workshops in finances and entrepreneurship skills to help artists succeed. The company is unique because they provide so much more than a maker space, and are more geared towards true artists and the fine arts.
- Describe the culture of the organization or company. What is the work environment like – the atmosphere? What is the building like – exterior/interior, architecture, fittings and furniture? How do the employees work together? What are the jobs and roles of individuals? How does management treat them?
- Charly described the atmosphere as a “hothouse” of creative energy, where patrons and artists are surrounded by creative people creating everything from books to paintings to music to dance. They do not currently have a building space, but are hoping for a downtown accessible location. The idea is to have ArtCity be an artist coop, where artists pay in and get something back in return.
- Who is the targeted audience? What are their demographics? (Age, gender, income level, where they live, own or rent, etc.)
- ArtCity hopes to target the fine artists of Eugene who are looking for a community in which they feel empowered and able to succeed. They are local adults who are serious working artists, and probably also align with the environmental and human sustainability aspect of the mission. They all live in Eugene and share the community values. These artists are people looking for that sense of community and empowerment and support to get their art off the ground a little more.
- What is the organization or company mission statement? Tagline?
- Charly Swing did not specifically mention what she wanted to tag line to be, but stressed that the coop would be a reactive space for creative people.