Lexicon Post 11/16/16

  1. Intellectual Property:

Your intellectual property is property that is intangible, usually because it lives in your mind. This would include your ideas and thoughts: intangible things you create and own.

  1. Minimalist:

Minimalism is a big deal right now in design, which encompasses so many things. Minimalism entails saying the same things, but with much less. It’s about being uncluttered and unburdened by excess, which often makes for very powerful visuals.

  1. Transmedia:

This entails telling one story or narrative, but telling it across multiple platforms, multiple media outlets. Using this allows you to be very flexible in your storytelling by telling it in different ways.

  1. Affiliation:

As a broad definition, affiliation is simply association between one thing and another, sometimes due to proximity. There is some connection between these two things that is meaningful.

  1. Buckley:

Buckley is Hames’ dog. He’s very nice but growls when you squeeze him. He was named after Jeff Buckley.






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