
Week Three – the players

As  I mentioned previously the Playhouse is sort of a theatre machine, with an army of people that make its many moving parts work. On the Administrative end there are 7 departments: Artistic, Administration (company + general management fall under here), Finance, Development, Marketing (includes box office), Education & Outreach (super big department), and Operations (includes front of house). These departments employ well over 65 people, and that doesn’t even cover the Production Departments. It takes all these people just to promote, educate, inform and basically run things without being directly involved with the shows. There is a four person Production Management team, and the typical departments: Scenic, Paints, Costumes, Electrics, Sound, Properties which probably add on another 60 or so people (oh and then the stage management and actors). They have a dual leadership under the head honchos: the artistic director and the managing director. Like I said an army. While there are weekly production meetings when a show is in rehearsal, with a staff so large the full staff doesn’t meet very often. The admin departments seem to work independently, but will holler out (or email) if they need something from someone else. Company Management works pretty closely with General Management, Production Management and Artistic. The company management team is comprised of a three person full time staff, one part time, and four interns. We are a  strong unit in the army that is currently take care of over 25 actors with more on the way. For a beautiful picture of our smiling staff please click the link below. And yes our futures so bright we have to wear shades (plus its really sun here in La Jolla, even in the office).

20 hours this week/62 total hours

The Players

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