
Brand/Logo Awareness

Read the article in the course resources on branding – “Marks of Excellence”, and also revisit Diigo links shown in class in the Infodesign and Advanced Infodesign lists in the Logo/Branding and Branding/Collateral sections. Use this information to do the following “post” on your ePortfolio blog: Find three brands/logos that you like – can be for any organization, for-profit or non-profit. Include the design in your post along with a brief statement about why you find it appealing, and what features and treatments allow it to succeed. Include links to the organizations website and examples of any basic collateral materials – briefly describe how the brand has been applied in both online and print, and give impressions of the effectiveness. Any prescriptive advice on improvements is also encouraged.

NOTE: Be sure to check the category infodesign when you create your new post. This will stream the post through my post page.

A few examples can be found below.

Logo Design Awareness Sample #1

Logo Design Awareness Sample #2