Organization/Company Questions Narrative and Mission
1)What is your organization or company? Give background history including by whom, when, and why it was founded.
The art of the Athlete program at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. The program was founded 5 years ago by Lisa Abia Smith (head of education at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art) partnering with Chris Young (Academic Advisor at the Jaqua Center for Student Athletes). It was founded to connect the athletic department with the Jordan Schnitzer.
2) What do they do or make – describe the products and services and what makes them unique.
The program is a 4 week 2 credit pass no pass workshop that athletes take in the summer, taught by Lisa. The athletes take this art class producing work that is shown in an annual exhibition at the Jordan Schnitzer. As part of the workshop the athletes work with the JSMA’s VSA (very special arts) program where they make art with children with disabilities. The program has expanded into annual programs at the Moshofsky center and Mathew Knight Arena before select games having athletes do art with children.
The workshop teaches about identity, race, and culture, giving athletes a way to experience and express themselves through art. The program is in the process of expanding: writing curriculum that will be marketed to other Pac 12 Schools, the Serbu juvenile detention center, and high schools in the Seattle area.
3)Describe the culture of the organization or company. What is the work environment like – the atmosphere? What is the building like – exterior/interior, architecture, fittings and furniture? How do the employees work together? What are the jobs and roles of individuals? How does management treat them?
The program is based in the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, partnering with the John Jaqua Academic center on the University of Oregon Campus. The architecture of the museum us more traditional, while the Jaqua is very modern, Their are 4 permanent employees that work with the program: Lisa Abia-Smith, Chris Young, Myself, and Sherri. Their have been one or two other mentors and artists that have come into the program as well, but not as permanent employees. Lisa has been the main teacher of the class and greater of the curriculum, as well as working on expanding the program, and putting together all of the events. Chris Young works with the athletes getting them enrolled in the class as well as working with them throughout the year, being a contact, as well as expanding the program. I have been a mentor to the athletes helping Lisa with the class, I have also helped with the writing and transforming of the curriculum. I also help with all of the small details of putting the exhibition together and other programing.
4)Who is the targeted audience? What are their demographics? (Age, gender, income level, where they live, own or rent, etc.)
With the program, currently the target is college athletes at the UO. It is expanding to other audience: youth and other college athletes.
The exhibition is targeted at anyone coming into the JSMA, and encouraging people who have never been to the museum to come and see the exhibition.
5)What is the organization or company mission statement? Tagline? (Can be the same – Nike’s is, “Just Do it!”
“The Art of the Athlete program transforms lives of youth and university students through art and forges meaningful connections for students with their peers, community, and family. A of A develops and prepares youth with 21st century skills that transcend beyond high school and college and prepare them to be better citizens and competitive in the workplace.”