Lexicon Week 5

1)Distributed Cognition & Collaborative Intelligence

Distributed Cognition stems from the idea that your workplace affects the work you do, or your environment of learn will in turn effect your learning. This also ties into the idea of technology and how the technological environment that a person is working or learning in will effect the outcomes of their learning. Collaborative intelligence is based off the idea that the social environment that someone is working or learning in will effect the outcome through social problem solving.

2)Informal Learning

Informal learning would be the learning that is done through participation, or through experience versus formal learning which would be a class type setting, or through reading. Informal learning can be used in conjunction with formal learning to enhance it, or as an alternative in some cases.

3)White Space

White Space is a design element, also called negative space in art, which is intentionally left white or black. This can be used in design to balance design, allowing the viewer to breathe or focus on other more important elements. White space can also be used to hid hidden meaning.

4)Focal Point

Focal points are places in a design that the viewers’ eyes are drawn to, or are supposed to be drawn to. Their can be a single focal point, or multiple within a design. If a design is too busy, crowded or complex their may not be a focal point, or it may be hard for the viewer to see.


Collateral can be items such as letterheads, business cards, envelopes. Collateral can also be things such as apparel, coffee mugs, or other promotional items. Theses items are important because they can be used as promotion of a business with a logo on them, or can help professionalize a business (business cards, etc.).

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