Blogs and Online Publications


Asian Art Museum: Online videos of the collections held by San Francisco’s Asian Art Museum

The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Numerous essays on East Asian Art. Sample titles include “Art of the Korean Renaissance, 1400-1600,” “Chinese Buddhist Sculpture,” and “Japanese Illustrated Handscrolls.”


An Art Teacher in China

Paper Republic: Chinese literature in translation

RandianA Hong Kong-based online magazine that covers the contemporary arts scene.

LEAP: The International Art Magazine of Contemporary China

Wild China Travel Blog


A Geek in Japan

Japan Focus: The Asia-Pacific Journal

Japan Subculture Research Center

Japanese Contemporary Art

Just Hungry: Japanese Recipes

Marc Festal: Art curator and critic specializing in Japanese photography

Super Cheap Japan

Tokyo Cheapo

Tofugu: A blog about Japanese language and culture


Ask a Korean

Eat your Kimchi: Website dedicated to K-pop, food, and daily life in Korea (and Japan)

Inspire me Korea Blog

Korea: Monthly magazine published by the Korean Culture and Information Service

Koreana: Quarterly of the Korea Foundation, focuses on art and culture

The Korea Herald Online

Korean Heritage: Quarterly of the Cultural Heritage Administration

Neon but More: South Korea Lifestyle Blog



Barnhart, Richard M. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 10, Asia. 1987.

Carpenter, John T. with contributions by Midori Oka. The Poetry of Nature: Edo Paintings from the Fishbein-Bender Collection. 2018.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Arts of Korea: A Resource for Educators. 

Milker, Elizabeth J., et al. eds. The Year One: Art of the Ancient World East and West. 2000.

Priest, Alan and Pauline Simmons. Chinese Textiles: An Introduction to the Study of their History, Sources, Technique, Symbolism, and Use. 1934. 

Smith, Judith, ed. Arts of Korea. 1998.

Smith, Judith. A Decade of Collecting, 1984-1993: Friends of Asian Art Gifts. 1993.

Watt, James C.Y., and Anne E. Wardwell. When Silk was Gold: Central Asian and Chinese Textiles. 1997.

Cambell, Sarah, Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki

WWII & Atomic Bomb Museum Exhibits: Japanese and American Perspectives