What is your organization or company? Give background history including by whom, when, and why it was founded.
The organization I am focusing on is ArtCity, a new start up that will be based in Eugene. The current developer of this program is Charly Swing. Charly is a recent graduate of the New York Academy of Art. After receiving her MFA in sculpture she found herself searching for a support system within the creative community of Eugene. Without many resources to find this support, she decided to develop her own.
What do they do or make – describe the products and services and what makes them unique.
ArtCity focuses primarily in creating a profession making space for artist who would identify in a “fine art” spectrum. These artists are not commercially known or making to sell their work. They are spending time in this space to explore ideas and theories. This is unique to Eugene because it is not catering to a “making community” that is reflective of the artisan culture that primarily surrounds the area. The products will consist of fine arts works in the 2D and 3D realms, theatre productions, musical productions, and artistic experiences. The space will evolve into a multidisciplinary studio space.
From the Website: “ArtCity developed out of the intention to address and resolve artists’ immediate need to sustain their livelihood in Eugene and work in a salon-style studio community. In this environment artists will work near professional peers, surrounded by inspiring activity, growth, and opportunity.”
Describe the culture of the organization or company. What is the work environment like – the atmosphere? What is the building like – exterior/interior, architecture, fittings and furniture? How do the employees work together? What are the jobs and roles of individuals? How does management treat them?
The organization’s culture will reflect human and artistic sustainability. Charly believes that “creating is a human act.” She would like to focus on content for professional development, developing video to interview artists who are involved, and also a place for review and curation. The culture is surrounding all things art.
Who is the targeted audience? What are their demographics? (Age, gender, income level, where they live, own or rent, etc.)
The target participates are working artists focusing primarily in contemporary art making. This can cater to anyone. As far as an audience there wasn’t a specific demographic mentioned. She did mention locals who are interested in the arts as well as artists. I assume the target audience will be those who can afford to consume the fine art piece, so that may refer to those with a sustainable income.
What is the organization or company mission statement? Tagline? (Can be the same – Nike’s is, “Just Do it!”
ArtCity creates opportunities for artists of all disciplines to interact with creative peers, inspire professional growth, collaborate, engage the public, and participate in Eugene’s burgeoning creative community.
No tagline was discussed. However, Charly mentions a few words that were reflective of a tagline. These examples include “House of creative energy”, “all things art”, and “Creating is a human act.”