
Week 5 Blog Post

This week, we had a presentation.  I do not like presenting and I usually get really nervous.  This time, I made sure that I really knew the material and I made up a note card that had just the right information on it so I could look down and remember what I needed to say next if I forgot.  That helped me feel more comfortable and when it came time to actually present, I did I lot better than I have in past presentations.  I stepped out of my comfort zone and got better at something that I usually dread doing.

Our group also got to see where we were in relation to all the other teams.  We have been frustrated lately because we have been confused about defining our problem but it was good to see that we were not the only group in that same situation.  We also got to see how other groups have overcome similar problems in their processes.  We will use what we learned from the presentations to improve our project.

Throughout the weeks, my role on this team has changed.  I have become more and more active.  I often find myself trying to facilitate the ideas of others and make sure that we all stay on the same page.  As a group, we tend to jump from one topic to the next very frequently and I have found myself trying to bring people back to the question at hand.  When we divided up the proposal assignment, we decided that I would be the one to edit it and try and make it flow and make sure that it all fits together.  In a sense, that is what I have been doing when we meet as well.  We come up with ideas and I try to bring them together with the need statement.  Everyone’s role changes a little bit each time we work together, but this is a role I have taken on a few different times now.

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