
Week 4 Blog Post

On Wednesday, I volunteered to be one of the presenters for our group on Monday.  Normally, this is not something I would volunteer for.  I hate speaking in front of an audience.  However, I decided that it would be good for me to face my fears and try to become a more effective speaker. 

I also met with a tutor about the memo assignment.  My biggest mistake was that I did not define the need well enough.  When someone reads a memo, they will ignore even the best solutions if they do not feel that there is a significant need for them.  I need to make the problem clear and compelling so that I can persuade my audience to see its importance.

Our group decided that the problem that we want to address in our project is that students in the LCB seem to be generally unaware of current events.  We believe that students that pay attention to the world around them have a better chance of being successful because they have the ability to connect what they learn in class with what they see in the real world.  As our group begins to come up with more clear solutions to our problem, sometimes we lose sight of that.  Sometimes we get so excited about the solutions we are coming up with that we forget what is most important.  We would like to use some kind of edgy, innovative technology as a solution, but it may be that something low-tech would be more effective.  When we get too focused on the technology, I try and remind everyone to make sure that we do not lose our sense of direction and forget about the problem itself.

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