

My professionalism this term was good overall, but there are some areas in which I could have done better. Overall, I deserve 41/50 points for professionalism.

I was never late for anything related to this course. I was always on time or early to team meetings, lectures, and meetings with LCB career services. I even showed up when I was sick. For these reasons, I deserve the full ten points for Punctuality.

In class and at meetings, I was always fully attentive and participated in every activity. I was consistently engaged in course related conversations both in class and in team meetings. Each day, I actively worked to improve myself. Therefore, I deserve the full ten points for Participation.

I always treated others with respect and listened attentively in lectures, team meetings, and meetings with LCB career services. For the most part, I was able to stay focused, but I occasionally got distracted or off topic during team meetings. I also gave weak feedback to my teammates in the Midterm Peer Evaluations Report because I failed to read the feedback guidelines. I gave much more valuable feedback in the Final Peer Evaluations Report, but my sup-par feedback earlier in the term cheated my teammates out of the opportunity to learn and grow from my input. Since I was generally respectful, but also considering the mistakes that cost my teammates, I deserve six out of ten for Respect for Others.

I was almost always prepared for class and meetings. I always completed my readings and research on time. However, there were two occasions in which I was not completely prepared for class. One time, I showed up and realized that I had forgotten to print out a document. I had to run up to the computer lab and print it out. I was not late for class, but I should not have waited until the last minute. The second occasion was during the final presentations. I did not bring any Audience Response Forms. Professor Bramhall was generous enough to provide me with some forms, but it was my responsibility to check the course schedule and bring the necessary materials. Since my mistakes were relatively minor and I was prepared a majority of the time, I deserve eight out of ten points for Preparation.

I took advantage of every learning opportunity in class and in my team meetings, but I could have gotten more out my journal, Career Services, and office hours. Sometimes, my journal entries were weak. I could have utilized them more effectively to reflect on my growth and my progress in my Leadership Development Plan. I also did not attend office hours. I had classes during the scheduled times, but I could have made an appointment to meet with Professor Bramhall. On the other hand, I was willing to take risks. Even though I had a traumatic experience speaking in front of an audience, I faced my fear and presented in the first presentation. I also volunteered to take on the Q and A portion of our final presentation with Thomas. There were a couple of questions that I was unable to answer because my nerves made me freeze up, but the fact that I was willing to attempt the most unscripted part of the presentation shows that I was willing to take risks. Despite my willingness to learn and step outside my comfort zone, I only deserve seven out of ten points for Initiative and Motivation due to my shortcomings in my journal.

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