
Strengths and Areas of Development

Model the Way

While I was on the track team in high school, the younger athletes were obnoxious and lazy.  I tried to set a personal example by working hard and treating others with respect.  My goal was to be an example to the younger athletes.  However, I never really told any of them about the values that I had that pushed me to be that way or the values that the team supposedly shared.  I am good at being the person I should be, but I am not good at sharing my values with others.

Inspire a shared vision

I am an upbeat person, and my positive attitude helps me connect with people, but I am not good at inspiring a shared vision.   I have spoken with others about higher purposes when working on community service projects, but in those situations, the purpose is obvious.  In business situations, I have never been able to inspire a shared vision.

Challenge the Process

While working at Roseburg Forest Products, I was constantly experimenting and looking for ways to improve the process.  I often came up with helpful shortcuts that helped me get ahead in my work.  When my experimenting failed, I learned from it and tried something else.  I need to work on being aware of what is going on in the world so that I can more effectively challenge the process.  For example, while working at the mill, I could have paid attention to the cost of the inputs and the plywood market.  It would have helped me come up with better ways to challenge the process.

Enable Others to Act

I have always been respectful of others.  While working at Roseburg Forest Products, I often had to ask people to complete tasks.  I would tell them what had to be done and nothing more.  I did not tell them how to do it or when because I do not want to appear bossy.  I had trouble actively listening, though.  It is hard for me to see view points other than my own.

Encourage the Heart

When I was in my high school Leadership program, I often complimented people on their accomplishments, but I never praised anyone publicly or creatively.  I need to work on recognizing people’s hard work and pointing it out to everyone else.

Action Plan

The practice of exemplary leadership I most need to work on is inspiring a shared vision.  Once our team meets and lays down the ground rules in our team agreement, I will have some idea of what is important to the team as a whole.  Whether that is being on time or putting in enough effort, I will help remind people of what it is we want our group to be.  We will have set goals, and if something we do is not conducive to those goals, I will ask the team to consider whether or not it is the right thing to do.  I want my teammates to think of me as the member that is focused on keeping the project in line with our values.  Often, group projects fail when there is a lack of dedication and time.  If situations arise in which people begin to lose motivation, I will go back to the values we agreed upon in the beginning and try to inspire them.

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