Rhino screen captures

https://blogs.uoregon.edu/222s20/lectures/lecture-1-2-diagramming-synthesis/Links to an external site.


“Panopto Recordings” on the Canvas site (lower left)


Rhino commands:

box, or cylinder

layer control, assign layers (select object/s, hover over layer and right click “assign to layer”)

boolean difference

set view to ISO SE, NE, etc and save named view

make2D (after executing it switch to plan view, immediately group (control+g), move to the right with the gumball))  I also typed “setlineweight” to 0.5

visualization mode (I changed from wire frame to ghosted, pen, etc)

lens length (I changed from 50 to 20)

export selected, save as *.ai   illustrator file


clipping plane (under the Properties panel i also clicked on the clipping plane icon and then checked off all the views)

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