
UOWGS is committed to nurturing a love of science in women of all ages. We achieve this goal by providing a network of support for members and non-members at the graduate level and through a variety of outreach activities geared toward women at the undergraduate level and below:

  • Middle school outreach: Encouraging girls to explore the sciences
  • High school outreach: Encouraging all students to continue with science education once it becomes optional
  • Undergraduate outreach: Helping students identify and select possible career pathways
  • Graduate school bound students: Providing mentorship and camaraderie

Upcoming Outreach Events

In partnership with the Eugene Science Center, we hold Girl Science Adventures for middle school girls. They are typically held on the second Saturday of every month, and each day focuses on a different science ranging from computer science to geography. Participants sign up through the Eugene Science Center, and we hold the events at the University of Oregon.

In partnership with Churchill High School, we hold a Women in Science and Engineering day (WISE). Occurring in February at Churchill, numerous industries and organizations participate in presentations and provide workshops for late middle school and high school girls.

This summer, we are assisting in the Chemistry SAIL camp held at the University of Oregon., We will have a panel/discussion for undergraduates interested in pursuing science and a variety of other events.

If you have any questions or interest in helping with outreach, please contact one of our outreach chairs, Victoria Caudill, or Rose Hulsey-Vincent.

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