Officers 2016/2017

Kimberly JonesPresident

Kimberly is a fourth year graduate student in the Institute of Molecular Biology and a member of the Prehoda Lab. She uses fruit flies to study the regulation of cellular polarity, which is a key cellular process underlying tissue architecture and stem cell fate choices. She can often be found with a coffee in hand and enjoys spending time outside of lab hanging out with friends and family and catching up on her (non-research) reading.


Kate WalshVice President, Social Chair

Kate is a fifth year graduate student in the Institute of Molecular Biology, and a member of the Doe lab. She studies the formation and first divisions of a population of brain stem cells very early in development of the fruit fly central brain. Outside of lab, she enjoys non-science reading, camping, live music, and a good cup of coffee.


Annie GreenawayTreasurer, JUMP Co-chair

Annie Greenaway is a fifth-year graduate student of chemistry working in the Boettcher lab. Her research focuses on alternative deposition methods for high-quality semiconductors for photovoltaics. Having previously served as the WGS Graduate School Advisory Board Chair in the 2015-2016 school year, Annie is excited about the opportunities and challenges of the Treasurer position. Outside of lab, Annie enjoys spending time with her husband, her cats, and a good book (or an entire series on Netflix).


Andrea SteigerSeminar Chair

Andrea Steiger is a third year chemistry graduate student in the Pluth Lab who spends most of her days making controlled-release hydrogen sulfide donors. In her free time, she can be found running, eating candy, and playing with her cat, all after she finishes her second cup of coffee.


Lisa EytelOutreach Co-Chair

Lisa is a third year chemistry graduate student working on a collaborative project between the DWJ and Haley labs. She is investigating cooperativity in supramolecular probes for anion sensing. If you want to start a non-science based conversation with Lisa, ask her about her beloved Seattle Reign FC or USWNT teams. You might find Lisa skating under the name Abby WHAMblock at Emerald City Roller Derby bouts or on the slopes at Willamette Pass as a ski patroller. She prefers conversations over coffee, chocolate, or cider but can also be found chatting on ski lifts in the Cascades during the winter.


Loni KringleOutreach Co-Chair

Loni Kringle is a fifth-year chemistry graduate student working in the Marcus lab. Her research focuses on shooting lasers at chromophores to study the local conformations and ultrafast dynamics of vibronically coupled systems. Outside of lab Loni can be found hiking, playing soccer, or reading a good book.


Lisa EnmanPublic and Alumni Relations Chair

Lisa Enman is a fourth year chemistry graduate student in Shannon Boettcher’s lab. Her research is focused on heterogeneous catalysts for the water oxidation reaction, which limits the efficiency of hydrogen production via water electrolysis. When not working in the lab, she enjoys hiking, playing softball, watching football, and thrift shopping.


Kathryn ChamberlainFunding Chair

Kathryn Chamberlain is from Grand Rapids Michigan with undergraduate degrees in music performance and chemistry from Butler University. She is a second year graduate student in the DeRose lab, and her research focuses on synthesizing and studying chemotherapeutic platinum derivatives and their in vivo and in vitro binding. She enjoys playing on the UO chemistry soccer team, cooking, and playing her bassoon.


Madison MyersGraduate School Liaison

Madison Myers is a fifth year graduate student in the Department of Earth Sciences working with Dr. Paul Wallace. Her research uses geochemistry and volatile concentrations of the initial products from supereruptions (e.g. Yellowstone) to understand the timescales and processes that lead up to the catastrophic eruption. In her free time, she enjoys hiking in the cascades, biking around Eugene, drinking microbrews with friends, reading, and crossword puzzles.

Amanda SteinhebelWebmaster

Amanda Steinhebel is a second year physics graduate student working with Jim Brau in the Center for High Energy Physics. Her current research with the International Linear Collider (ILC) collaboration involves conducting research and development for a future particle detector within the proposed collider. Outside of the lab and away from the computer, Amanda enjoys cooking, sipping large cups of coffee, and pondering the secrets of the universe.


Michelle SconceRecorder Chair

Michelle Sconce is a second year biology graduate student in the Guillemin Lab. Her research focuses on how microbial-secreted biomolecules impact host development, specifically within beta cells. In her free time, she enjoys running, hiking, and watching football.


Stacey YorkProfessional Development Advisor

Dr. Stacey York currently serves as Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Graduate Internship Program at UO where she is able to combine two of her passions, technology and relationship management. Prior to her position with UO, Stacey was a Principal Scientist investigating novel polymers and surfactants for the Skin Care Innovations Platform at Johnson & Johnson. Stacey’s graduate research resulted in over 600 citations and her time at J&J led to an issued patent, a patent application, and 3 internal awards for leadership. Stacey spends her free time with her husband Adam (who is also a polymer chemist) and 3-year old daughter who is already showing a strong affinity for numbers, problem solving, and negotiation.