/ UOWGS Spring Workshop:How to Speak your STEM: a communications workshop

UOWGS Spring Workshop:How to Speak your STEM: a communications workshop

March 20, 2018
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Miller Theatre Complex, 1231 University St, Eugene, OR 97403

WGS Spring Workshop Presents

How to Speak your STEM: a communications workshop


Join us Tuesday, March 20th, 4-6 pm Villard 102 (part of the Miller Theatre Complex) for a science communication workshop with Zeina Salame, a 5th year PhD candidate in Theatre Arts, Coordinator of Improvisational Science Communication Training Activities for Research, and affiliate of the Alan Alda foundation.


This workshop will include a variety of excersizes from the Alda Method which coaches public presentation skills by employing improvisa- tional theatre exercises to practice listening, connecting, clarity, and vivid storytelling. These excercises can help with stagefright and communicating science to a broad audience. If you are interested in participating in the Science Slam, or 3 Minute Thesis, this workshop is a great place to start!

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