10th Annual Generations Luncheon with Cathie Twomey Bellamy

Come join us for our 10th Annual Generations Luncheon!

The generations luncheon brings together students of science from high school through faculty levels for lunch. The event is inclusive to everyone, but aimed to provide inspiration to female identifying STEM enthusiasts. This year’s luncheon will feature a keynote address from gold medalist runner and coach Cathie Twomey Bellamy. Attendance is by invitation only, except for graduate student WGS Members.

To RSVP, click here!

Date: Thursday, June 14, 2018 from 12:00 pm – 2:00pm

Location: Redwood Auditorium, Erb Memorial Union

[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/uowgs/files/2018/05/Gen-Luncheon_20181-111z8om.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]



Officers 2018/2019

Officer photo

2018/2019 Officers

Michelle Massaquoi– President

Michelle Massaquoi is a fourth year biology graduate student in the Guillemin lab. Her research focuses on understanding how the presence of microbes within the intestine impact the development of the host. She is investigating how a specific protein, secreted by gut bacteria, induces the proliferation of insulin-producing beta cells within the larval zebrafish pancreas. This is Michelle’s third year serving as a UOWGS board member. In her free time she likes to hike, watch football and can be found most mornings running “Pre’s trail” by campus.

Kira Egelhofer — Treasurer, Vice-President

Kira Egelhofer is a fourth-year graduate student of chemistry and member of the Lonergan Lab. Her research focuses on understanding charge-transport processes at the interface of the solar cell absorber and contact. Kira enjoys being in the outdoors, wine tasting, and annual Harry Potter re-readings.

Dana Reuter— Social Chair

Dana is a 4th year graduate student working with Dr. Hopkins in the UO Vertebrate Paleontology lab. Her research on mammalian paleoecology focuses on paleo foodweb building, carnivoran tooth morphology, and the evolution of omnivory. When she is not nerding out over geology and ancient mammals she is getting lost in the woods, brewing beer, playing board games, and reading philosophy books.

Terri Lovell— Seminar Chair

Terri Lovell is a 4th year graduate student in the Jasti lab. Her research focuses on making new fluorescent molecules to monitor and diagnose melanoma. Outside of the lab she enjoys hiking, playing sports and most of all spending time with her dog.

Sarah Stednitz — Outreach Co-Chair

Sarah is a fifth year graduate student in the Biology department working
in the Washbourne lab. Her thesis work focuses on the social brain of
zebrafish, using computer vision and genetic techniques to understand
what regions of the brain generate complex social behaviors. Outside of
research, she enjoys painting, music, and electronics.

Emily Sales — Outreach Co-Chair

Emily Sales is a fifth year graduate student in the Institute of
Neuroscience. Her thesis project is focused on neural circuit assembly
in the fruit fly. Outside of the lab, you can find her in the garden,
cooking in the kitchen, or exploring nature.

Krystal Oon — Recorder Chair

Krystal is a third year biology graduate student in the Prehoda lab. Her
research focuses on how polarity protein complex becomes polarized and
depolarized. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching TV, yoga,
and swimming.

Kathryn Denning — Public and Alumni Relations Chair

Katie is a third-year PhD student in the Psychology Department in the Social Cognition Lab run by Dr. Sara Hodges. She studies how people consider the perspectives (e.g., thoughts, feelings, beliefs; AKA perspective taking) of others and how this process impacts our everyday social lives, especially intergroup relations. She also studies whether this process occurs without conscious awareness. Outside of the lab, Katie loves to spend time with her friends (and adorable dog Lily) while exploring new hikes and wineries, or spending a night at home cooking and watching Netflix.

Carolyn Levinn – JUMP Chair

Carrie is a fifth-year chemistry graduate student working in the Pluth Lab. Her research involves designing new hydrogen sulfide donors and probes. Outside of lab, she enjoys running, baking, giraffes, and cats!

Maria Bañuelos — Funding Chair

Maria is a fifth year biology graduate student in the Guillemin lab. Her research investigates how bacterial secreted small molecules affect the spatial structure of bacterial populations within a host. Outside of lab she enjoys the outdoors, watching TV, and spending time with her friends and family.

Chris Funch — Webmaster

Chris is a 4th year chemistry student in the Boettcher lab. His research focuses on the study and development of a process to deposit III-V semiconductor materials for low-cost, high-efficiency solar applications. In his final year he plans to fabricate small solar devices for material characterization. In his spare time he likes to swim, bike, and run in training for triathlons, which he usually competes in during the summer months.


Glance back at past officers here

Lisa Eytel

A special message to WGS members and outreach volunteers,
Thank you! Thank you for being a major part of my graduate school career these past three years! Thank you to the dozens of people who have stepped-up to spread science to the youth in our community. I have had the pleasure of being a co-facilitator in over 60 days of science outreach during my time as an outreach co-chair and none of that could have been possible without people willing to take a few hours of their day to help with an experiment and lend their knowledge to help build a vast science curriculum. To the people I called on to lead a dozen 8-year-olds on a lab walkthrough with an hour’s notice, to the people who loaned random personal items for use in an experiment, to the people whose desks were infiltrated by outreach supplies, to the people who arrived on campus on a Saturday at 8 am to teach girls about rocks or optics or robotics or genetics, to the people who tested new outreach experiments with minimal direction so the kinks could be worked out, to the people who donated money so we could build our supplies to expand our curricula, to the people who rescheduled meetings around outreach or were the victims of a forgotten response to an email in the middle of planning to bring 120 fourth graders to campus, to the people who helped schedule rooms and labs weeks or hours in advance, to the people who offered up a new outreach event idea or networked on our behalf, to my co-outreach chairs Kate, Loni, and Dana who shared their science knowledge and planned events with me, to the WGS boards from 2015 through 2018 who supported our expanding outreach efforts: THANK YOU!
As an outreach chair, I advanced my teaching skills, broadened my network and science knowledge, learned cool tricks and tidbits about science topics ranging from physics to anthropology, figured out how to delegate and balance a heavy workload, and had the opportunity to share a positive and fun science experience with hundreds of students who might not otherwise ever see science as an everyday fact of life and a viable career option. My experience on the WGS board rounded out my graduate school experience to prepare me for a career as a scientific teacher. I look forward to one day being able to give back to this organization that brought so much purpose and joy (and some frustrations) to my life and helped me learn to better advocate for myself and other minorities in the sciences.
As I move into my final year of graduate school and beyond, I look forward to watching the WGS outreach program continue to build-in curricula from a variety of scientific topics and spread the message that science is for everyone. I know our outreach program is in good hands this next year with Sarah and Emily at the helm.
With gratitude,
Lisa Eytel
WGS Outreach Co-Chair 2015-2018