Five Takeaways From Meeting with Jen Beyrle

Great meeting today with the Oregonian’s Jen Beyrle! #uoawsm

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Last Thursday, sports video reporter for The Oregonian, Jen Beyrle visited the UO AWSM Chapter. She sat down with our group and discussed her career and the path she got there and then answered questions from meeting attendees. Here are the five biggest takeaways from the meeting:


  1. Everyone has a different path to having the career they want or they want or their dream job, their is no right or wrong way.
  2. The more you can do the better, employers value someone who can has multiple skills and abilities in the sports media industry.
  3. Be patient. If you work hard, things will come to you.
  4. “You are going to make mistakes, it’s going to happen. “But learning from them is very important.”
  5. The best interviews are when it’s like a conversation, make sure you are prepared and have done your research. But the more like a conversation it is, the better.