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Lexicon Essay-Word of Mouth Marketing

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AAD 610/Winter 2016 Learning Goals

  1. Learn how to use communication strategies and delivery technologies to advance a marketing strategy for a non-profit organization.
  2. Learn how to create a marketing plan based on the visual brand I created last quarter.
  3. I want to learn the ways to integrate technology into a marketing plan and what limitations might be presented through technology.
  4. Learn how different marketing plans could be implemented depending on limited or expansive funds allocated for marketing.
  5. Learn how marketing plans can be implemented with very limited staff members; how to use volunteers and board members.

Media, Marketing, and Communication Learning Goals Reflection

  1. Learn more about and explore the use of typography.

Before this class I had never heard the word typography but after 10 weeks in this class I feel that I have definitely met this goal. I know about the use of topography, learned about dafont, and best practices for choosing typography for a brand.

  1. Explore the world of WordPress (which I have never used) and become more proficient in its tools and uses.

Before this class I had never used WordPress or any type of blog/website creating tool. I feel like I have definitely met this goal and I am really proud to have these skills now.

  1. As I have zero experience in graphic design, I would like to learn more about how to properly use graphic design programs: Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.

I have definitely learned more about Adobe Illustrator and InDesign during this course. I feel like I have a good grasp of the basics and hope to learn more throughout my graduate program. I would still like to learn more about Photoshop in the future.

  1. Gain a knowledge of graphic design terms and lingo, so that I may ‘talk the talk’ to graphic designers I work with in the future.

I do feel that I have gained enough basic knowledge about graphic design to work with graphic designers within an arts organization. I think I can now better understand the limitations of the Adobe programs. There are still some things that I would like to understand better but overall I think I have met this goal.

  1. My previous experience is in higher education and I spent a lot of time working with our PR/Marketing team to build upon our brand and market to our consumers: high school students and their parents. I would like to learn more about how branding and marketing a higher education institute may differ or be the same as working with an arts organization.

I have learned that there are actually more similarities than differences. While the audiences may be different the values and ideas behind the branding strategies focus on the same concepts. I think next semester I can reflect even more on this learning goal

  1. Learn how to use graphic design to show value. When marketing an arts organization we are typically not selling a physical product but an experience, so how do we use graphic design as a tool to demonstrate the value of that experience?

This goal is something I think I will continue to work on throughout this graduate program and even once I get into positions as an art manager. I have learned some great techniques that I can use to convey value through branding.

Art in Society Learning Goal Reflection

  1.  Develop more confidence when it comes to talking in class about a module reading or assignment. Feel more comfortable speaking about original thoughts or ideas.

I think that that because of the module content I began to feel comfortable posting my original thoughts and talking in class about each module. I think I could have tried harder to talk more in class but overall I feel like I accomplished this goal.

  1. Spend time thinking about how ‘art’ functions within society. Not answering but pondering, how does society define art and artists?

This class and the module content did a great job of helping me pursue this goal. I think that the concepts and ideas discussed during this course are vital to building a well-rounded arts manager. I feel like this course has given me to opportunity to think about the art, aesthetics, participation, and art worlds.

  1. Before this class I had never heard of or used the term transmedia. I would like to explore this definition and the use of transmedia.

I have definitely learned about transmedia and how it is used to reach audiences. Understanding the field guide has really helped me “get” transmedia.

  1. Learn more about ‘art worlds.’ How they are defined, how they function in society, what art worlds am I a part of?

 When starting this class I had not spent much time thinking about art worlds: how they function, who is a part of an art world, or how are they formed. As this class comes to an end I can confidently say I have learned more about art worlds and the art worlds I am a a part of currently.

  1. Understand how I can use the knowledge gained in this class to provide leadership to an arts organization. How can the understanding of the relationship of art to society help me more successfully run an arts organization?

I have to say in the beginning of this class I had a hard time answering the question posed above to meet this goal but now that the class comes to an end I have a much better grasp of how I can use this course content to become a better leader. Art managers must always be aware of the sociological, political, and economic pressures that are relevant within their art world. This course has helped me understand those pressures and how they can affect an organization I might work for in the future.

Case Study Analysis

Case Study Analysis.docx

Logo Draft



RomeTheatre Logo Design

Field Guide Summary

A Field Guide to the Mediated Legacy of Patsy Cline

While Patsy Cline was only 30 years old when she left this world, she left behind a legacy and repertoire of music that will never be forgotten. She will forever be remembered as a young lady with a feisty attitude and amazing voice that paved the road for women as headline country musicians. Patsy Cline cultivated a fan base that has carried her musical works throughout generations. She helped pioneer the country music industry and will forever be remembered.

In my field guide I would like to explore how Patsy Cline’s life has manifest as a legacy. Through the use of the media Patsy left behind such as records, video, pictures and letters, paired with the secondary accounts of her life in books, movies, documentaries, biographies, Broadway musicals, etc. to explore the amazing legacy left behind.

Patsy’s Contribution to Her Legacy

Patsy Cline left behind an art world that people have come to enjoy and explore to this day. Her recordings, television appearances, hand written letters, costumes and pictures leave behind a legacy that is impossible to forget.


During her recording career, 1955-1963, Patsy Cline recorded 102 songs resulting in 4 albums, one album with 4 Star Records and two albums with Decca Records. She recorded honky-tonk, bluegrass, gospel, country music and what was eventually named pop.

*Include list of albums and examples of top hits


In addition to the songs Patsy Cline recorded during her life, some of the most famous pieces of media Patsy left behind are the live performances given on television shows. She is most famously known for her appearances on the Grand Ole Opry but also appeared on shows such as the Arthur Godfrey Show, Ozark Jubilee, Country Jubilee, Glen Reeves TV Special and many more.

*Include YouTube links to videos of TV performances


During her time on the road and performing she developed fans and fan clubs that she was in contact with regularly. She was very diligent about writing letters and providing information to her fan clubs. There are books dedicated to her letters written to fans including Treva Miller, Louise Seger and countless others.

*Insert copies of letters and the book-Love Always, Patsy Cline


In the beginning of Patsy’s career she was known for her elaborate cowgirl dresses, which she designed and her mother hand made. Later in her career she wore evening gowns and dressy outfits to fit the time. She is a great icon to watch move from 50s country to 60s glam. There are countless pictures and videos of Patsy performing in these outfits that are pieces of what she left behind. Many of her costumes and outfits are displayed in Patsy Cline exhibits that tour the United States.

Secondary Contributions to the Legacy of Patsy Cline

Since Patsy Cline’s death in 1963, her songs and story have attracted people to recount her life and build upon her legacy. Everything from biographies, movies, documentaries, dedications and Broadway musicals have been used to remember the life and legacy of Patsy Cline.


Patsy Cline’s life has been recounted in biographies that range from short videos, books and collections. I hope to explore the many accounts of her life and find similarites and differences.


The two most famous moves that Patsy Cline is known for is Coal Miner’s Daughter which is actually about Loretta Lynn, with Patsy being referenced as being one of her most influential mentors and Sweet Dreams which is a biographical ‘Hollywood’ version of Patsy’s life, played by Jessica Lang. There is much contest from friends and family of Patsy of the exaggerations and fictional elements of the Sweet Dreams storyline.


The documentaries of Patsy Cline’s life are some of my favorite media sources building the legacy of Patsy Cline. They all have friends and family of Patsy speaking about her life and about their interactions with Patsy. She was so well known for her unusual, for the time, personality. She made great friends and left behind family members that help bring Patsy back to life for just a blip in time.


Two musicals have been written about the life of Patsy Cline, A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline and Always…Patsy Cline. The first of the two, A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline is a biographical account of Patsy’s life before and after fame. Always…Patsy Cline is about the relationship she built with one of her most famous fans and how their friendship developed.


Since Patsy’s death her legacy goes on and is represented through numerous inductions and dedications. To name a few:

Country Music Hall of Fame-First solo female inducted

Hollywood Walk of Fame

Grammy Hall of Fame and Lifetime Achievement Award

United States Postal Stamps dedicated to Patsy Cline



-102 songs, album information

List of television performances

Book w/ letters from Patsy to fan

Biographical information

Book with great pictures and biographical information


Awards and achievements


Art in Society Learning Objectives

1.  Develop more confidence when it comes to talking in class about a module reading or assignment. Feel more comfortable speaking about original thoughts or ideas.

2. Spend time thinking about how ‘art’ functions within society. Not answering but pondering, how does society define art and artists?

3. Before this class I had never heard of or used the term transmedia. I would like to explore this definition and the use of transmedia.

4. Learn more about ‘art worlds.’How they are defined, how they function in society, what art worlds am I a part of?

5. Understand how I can use the knowledge gained in this class to provide leadership to an arts organization. How can the understanding of the relationship of art to society help me more successfully run an arts organization?


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