1. Learn more about and explore the use of typography.

Before this class I had never heard the word typography but after 10 weeks in this class I feel that I have definitely met this goal. I know about the use of topography, learned about dafont, and best practices for choosing typography for a brand.

  1. Explore the world of WordPress (which I have never used) and become more proficient in its tools and uses.

Before this class I had never used WordPress or any type of blog/website creating tool. I feel like I have definitely met this goal and I am really proud to have these skills now.

  1. As I have zero experience in graphic design, I would like to learn more about how to properly use graphic design programs: Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.

I have definitely learned more about Adobe Illustrator and InDesign during this course. I feel like I have a good grasp of the basics and hope to learn more throughout my graduate program. I would still like to learn more about Photoshop in the future.

  1. Gain a knowledge of graphic design terms and lingo, so that I may ‘talk the talk’ to graphic designers I work with in the future.

I do feel that I have gained enough basic knowledge about graphic design to work with graphic designers within an arts organization. I think I can now better understand the limitations of the Adobe programs. There are still some things that I would like to understand better but overall I think I have met this goal.

  1. My previous experience is in higher education and I spent a lot of time working with our PR/Marketing team to build upon our brand and market to our consumers: high school students and their parents. I would like to learn more about how branding and marketing a higher education institute may differ or be the same as working with an arts organization.

I have learned that there are actually more similarities than differences. While the audiences may be different the values and ideas behind the branding strategies focus on the same concepts. I think next semester I can reflect even more on this learning goal

  1. Learn how to use graphic design to show value. When marketing an arts organization we are typically not selling a physical product but an experience, so how do we use graphic design as a tool to demonstrate the value of that experience?

This goal is something I think I will continue to work on throughout this graduate program and even once I get into positions as an art manager. I have learned some great techniques that I can use to convey value through branding.