Month: March 2016

Final Marketing Plan-Rome Little Theatre

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MMC II Learning Goals Reflection

Learning Goals Reflection

  1. Learn how to use communication strategies and delivery technologies to advance a marketing strategy for a non-profit organization.

I have a much better understanding of a variety of strategies that can be implemented to further a marketing plan. The use of technologies like CRMs and Hootsuite can really help non-profit organizations that may have a low marketing budget or small staff.

  1. Learn how to create a marketing plan based on the visual brand I created last quarter.

One of the marketing strategies I am proposing in my plan is based on the rebranding that I completed last year. I have created a marketing plan around rebranding and feel that I have a better understanding of how to implement such a big change in a company.

  1. I want to learn the ways to integrate technology into a marketing plan and what limitations might be presented through technology.

Through this class I have had the opportunity to look at examples of how to plan communication strategies using technology. Whether that be through e-mailing, social media or websites. We did discuss some limitations but it seems to really come down to budget and staff.

  1. Learn how different marketing plans could be implemented depending on limited or expansive funds allocated for marketing.

Darrell showed a plethora of examples of marketing, some with limited budgets and some with very expansive budgets that were all effective. I would like to become more familiar with marketing budgets and how they can be organized based on priorities.

  1. Learn how marketing plans can be implemented with very limited staff members; how to use volunteers and board members.

I don’t feel that we talked about this much in the class but through reviewing the different kinds of marketing it was clear that some were easier to do with less people and money. I would like to learn more about using a working board and volunteers to help implement marketing strategies.


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