April 8th, 2015 Follow-up Webinars

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Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar IX

Establishing Fidelity of Assessment Administration & Data Collection: Data Team Meetings Part 1

During this Webinar we will highlight the building level data team process. You will walk away with tools and strategies you can apply in your next data team meeting. 

Scaling Up EBISS: Establishing Fidelity of Assessment Administration & Data Collection: Data Team Meetings Part 1 from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.



Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar X

Creating a Strategic Plan to Ensure Appropriate Use of Data: Data Team Meetings Part 2

This Webinar will build upon the skills you gain from Part 1 and we will provide you a “real world” example of how a data team meeting looks at the school level. 

Scaling Up EBISS: Creating a Strategic Plan to Ensure Appropriate Use of Data: Data Team Meetings Part 2 from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.


Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar XI

Coaching Makes a Difference Part 1: Evidence Based Observation and Feedback

This Webinar will introduce you to the critical features of evidence based observation and feedback. You will learn strategies and routines that support the effective use of coaching communication.

Scaling Up EBISS: Coaching Makes a Difference Part 1. Evidence Based Observation and Feedback. from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.


Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar XII

Coaching Makes a Difference Part 2: Coaching Communication and the Art of Really Listening

This Webinar will provide you with the tools to build the coaching relationship with communication strategies and committed listening techniques.

Scaling Up EBISS: Web12. Coaching Makes a Difference Part 2. Coaching Communication and the Art of Really Listening. from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.



Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar XIII

Coaching Makes a Difference Part 3: Expanding and Refining the Coaches Role

During this Webinar, you will learn how coaches must be leaders of assessment, instruction and professional development as they lead systems reform and change.

Scaling Up EBISS: Web13. Coaching Makes a Difference Part 3. Expanding and Refining the Coaches Role from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.



Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar XIV

Coaching Makes a Difference Part 4: Coaching Effective Teams

This Webinar will provide you with effective strategies that you can use to manage complex change when you are coaching teams.


Scaling Up EBISS: Coaching Makes a Difference Part 4: Coaching Effective Teams from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.


Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar XV

The District Data Team Meeting: Blending PBIS and Academic Tiered Models of Support

During this Webinar we will highlight the district level data team process. We will discuss the importance of a district leadership implementation team (DLIT) analyzing district-wide data at least three times a year. Models will be shared so your DLIT can use data to ensure schools have the support they require to meet district goals.


Scaling up EBISS: The District Data Team Meeting: Blending PBIS and Academic Tiered Models of Support from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.


Optional Follow-up Webinars:

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April 8th, 2015 Optional Follow-up Webinars—->