- Social Proprioception- “proprioception” refers to an individual’s awareness of elements within their surrounding, and their physical relationship to them. “Social proprioception” is using this term as applied to the world of social media networks, and refers to one’s awareness of the activities and thoughts of those with whom they are connected with online.
- Dissonance- means “a lack of harmony,” or a “clashing.” In design, this can refer to two elements which do not compliment each other, causing a slight discomfort while viewing.
- Feedback loop- refers to the “echo chamber” effect within social media platforms. Literally, it means that what’s put out is put back in–so, for example, if you are only friends on facebook with those who have the same beliefs as you, they will only reinforce the same ideas you are putting out on display.
- Compression- a means of shrinking the bit size of a file, so that it is easier for storing purposes.