Lexicon #3 (week 4)

1. Signature

In the realm of printing, a “signature” refers to a collection of pages ,with printed images and words on both sides, that can be folded together to become a booklet, pamphlet, or sequence of turnable pages. To create designs for signatures requires careful attention to making sure that your images are in the correct positions and orders to account for the folding and layering together of pages.

2. Hickey Picker

A printing “hickey” refers to a small imperfection or spot on a printed item, caused by a particle of some sort getting stuck to the plate. A “hickey picker” is a tool (generally a roller) which is used to lift these off of the plate.

3. DPI

“DPI” stands for “dots per inch,” and refers to the resolution of an image which is being printed. This is a standard unit of measurement for scanners, printers, and other devices.

4. Bleed

This refers to colors and images extending to the edge of the paper on which it is being printed.