Lexicon #5 (week 6)

  1. Strategic Planning- the process of mapping an intentional plan for achieving a desired outcome. Once the end goal is identified, a sequential plan can be concieved in order to work towards accomplishing that goal, including resource allotment, personnel duties and involvement, and a specific timeline for each of the plan’s deliverables.
  2. Customer Relationship Management- it is important to not only focus on obtaining customers, but to maintain them as well. This involves genuine listening to their desires and concerns, clear lines of communication indicating your intentions within the organization, and an acknowledgement of their needs.
  3. Social impact- this refers to a contribution which alters or effects the current social dynamics and social environment. This includes both physical impacts and ideological impacts on the people and relationships within a given community.
  4. Narcissism- originally deriving from the Greek myth of Narcissus who could not stop looking at his own reflection in the water, “narcissism” refers to the tendency to be focused solely on oneself. The use of social media, and “selfie culture” is often criticized as being a narcissistic act.